Significant Zero Crossings

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Documentation for package ‘SiZer’ version 0.1-8

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Arkansas Time Series of Macroinvertabrates Abundance in the Arkansas River. Coerce SiZer object to a Data Frame
bent.cable Fits a bent-cable model to the given data Fits a bent-cable model to the given data by exhaustively searching the 2-dimensional parameter space to find the maximum likelihood estimators for alpha and gamma.
ggplot_SiZer Plot a SiZer map using 'ggplot2'
locally.weighted.polynomial Smoothes the given bivariate data using kernel regression.
logLik.bent_cable Return the log-Likelihood value for a fitted bent-cable model.
logLik.PiecewiseLinear Calculates the log-Likelihood value
piecewise.linear Creates a piecewise linear model
plot.LocallyWeightedPolynomial Creates a plot of an object created by 'locally.weighted.polynomial'.
plot.PiecewiseLinear Plots a piecewise linear model
plot.SiZer Plot a SiZer map Plot a 'SiZer' object that was created using 'SiZer()'
predict.bent_cable Return model predictions for fitted bent-cable model
predict.PiecewiseLinear Calculates predicted values from a piecewise linear object
print.PiecewiseLinear Prints out the model form for a Piecewise linear model
SiZer Calculate SiZer Map