Analysis of Functional and Phylogenetic Patterns in Metacommunities

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Documentation for package ‘SYNCSA’ version 1.3.4

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ADRS Artificial Data for Run SYNCSA
belonging Degree of belonging of species
cent.norm Matrix centralization and standardization
CollectNames Collect names an entire list
cor.mantel Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
cor.matrix Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
cor.matrix.partial Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
cor.matrix2 Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
cor.procrustes Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
flona Hypothetical data for SYNCSA
matmult.syncsa Matrix multiplication
matrix.p Matrix P
matrix.t Matrix T
matrix.x Matrix X
optimal Searching for optimal traits
organize.syncsa Function for organize data for Package SYNCSA
part.cor First-order partial correlation coefficient
pca Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with NA (missing data)
permut.row.matrix Permutate rows in a matrix
permut.vector Permutate a vector
plot.pcasyncsa Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with NA (missing data)
print.optimal Searching for optimal traits
print.pcasyncsa Principal Components Analysis (PCA) with NA (missing data)
print.syncsa SYNCSA
pro.matrix Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
pro.matrix.partial Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
pro.matrix2 Function to obtain the correlation between two matrices and partial matrix correlation between three matrices.
procrustes.partial Procrustes and Partial Procrustes correlations.
procrustes.syncsa Procrustes and Partial Procrustes correlations.
ProgressBAR Text Progress Bar
rao.diversity Rao's quadratic entropy
syncsa SYNCSA
var.dummy Generate dummy variable
var.type Check the type of variables