SOM Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs

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Documentation for package ‘SOMbrero’ version 1.4-2

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SOMbrero-package Self Organizing Maps Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs
dissim.lesmis Dataset "Les Misérables"
impute Impute values from prototype information
impute.somRes Impute values from prototype information
initGrid Create an empty grid
initSOM Initialize parameters for the SOM algorithm
lesmis Dataset "Les Misérables"
myGrid Methods for 'myGrid' objects.
myGrid-class Methods for 'myGrid' objects.
paramSOM-class Initialize parameters for the SOM algorithm
plot.myGrid Methods for 'myGrid' objects.
plot.somRes Plot a 'somRes' class object
plot.somSC Create super-clusters from SOM results
predict.somRes Predict the classification of a new observation
presidentielles2002 2002 French presidential election data set
print.myGrid Methods for 'myGrid' objects.
print.paramSOM Initialize parameters for the SOM algorithm
print.somRes Run the SOM algorithm
print.somSC Create super-clusters from SOM results
projectIGraph Compute the projection of a graph on a grid
projectIGraph.somRes Compute the projection of a graph on a grid
projectIGraph.somSC Create super-clusters from SOM results
protoDist Compute distances between prototypes
protoDist.somRes Compute distances between prototypes
quality Compute SOM algorithm quality criteria
quality.somRes Compute SOM algorithm quality criteria
SOMbrero Self Organizing Maps Bound to Realize Euclidean and Relational Outputs
sombreroGUI Graphical Web User Interface for SOMbrero
somRes.plotting Plotting 'somRes' results
somSC-class Create super-clusters from SOM results
summary.myGrid Methods for 'myGrid' objects.
summary.paramSOM Initialize parameters for the SOM algorithm
summary.somRes Run the SOM algorithm
summary.somSC Create super-clusters from SOM results
superClass Create super-clusters from SOM results
superClass.somRes Create super-clusters from SOM results
trainSOM Run the SOM algorithm