simulateTumor {SITH}R Documentation

Spatial simulation of tumor growth


Simulate the spatial growth of a tumor with a multi-type branching process on the three-dimensional integer lattice.


  max_pop = 250000,
  div_rate = 0.25,
  death_rate = 0.18,
  mut_rate = 0.01,
  driver_prob = 0.003,
  selective_adv = 1.05,
  disease_model = NULL,
  verbose = TRUE



Number of cells in the tumor.


Cell division rate.


Cell death rate.


Mutation rate. When a cell divides, both daughter cell acquire Pois(u)Pois(u) genetic alterations


The probability that a genetic alteration is a driver mutation.


The selective advantage conferred to a driver mutation. A cell with k driver mutations is given birth rate bskbs^k.


Edge list for a directed acyclic graph describing possible transitions between states. See progressionChain() for an example of a valid input matrix.


Whether or not to print simulation details to the R console.


The model is based upon Waclaw et. al. (2015), although the simulation algorithm used is different. A growth of a cancerous tumor is modeled using an exponential birth-death process on the three-dimensional integer lattice. Each cell is given a birth rate bb and a death rate dd such that the time until cell division or cell death is exponentially distributed with parameters bb and dd, respectively. A cell can replicate if at least one of the six sites adjacent to it is unoccupied. Each time cell replication occurs, both daughter cells receive Pois(u)Pois(u) genetic alterations. Each alteration is a driver mutation with some probability dudu. A cell with k driver mutations is given birth rate bskbs^k. The simulation begins with a single cell at the origin at time t=0t = 0.

The model is simulated using a Gillespie algorithm. See the package vignette for details on how the algorithm is implemented.


A list with components


Phillip B. Nicol <>


B. Waclaw, I. Bozic, M. Pittman, R. Hruban, B. Vogelstein and M. Nowak. A spatial model predicts that dispersal and cell turnover limit intratumor heterogeneity. Nature, pages 261-264, 2015.

D. Gillespie. Exact stochastic simulation of coupled chemical reactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry, volume 81, pages 2340-2361, 1970.


out <- simulateTumor(max_pop = 1000)
#Take a look at mutants in order of decreasing MAF
sig_muts <- out$muts[order(out$muts$MAF, decreasing = TRUE),]

#Specify the disease model
out <- simulateTumor(max_pop = 1000, disease_model = progressionChain(3))

[Package SITH version 1.1.0 Index]