Simplicial Generalized Beta Regression

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SGB-package Package SGB
arc arc dataset
B2i Balances to isometric log-ratio
bval Computation of scales and z-vectors
carseg carseg dataset
coefmat Tabulation of overall SGB regression results with AIC and matrix view of regression coefficients
compushape2 Initial parameters estimates and comparison
condshape2 Initial parameters estimates and comparison
covest.SGB Classical and robust asymptotic covariance matrix
cvm.SGB Goodness of fit tests on the marginal distributions of each part in a SGB model
dggamma Generalized Gamma distribution
dSGB Density and random generator for the SGB distribution
EqualityConstr Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
EZ.SGB Expectations of Z under the SGB distribution
fn.SGB SGB log-likelihood and gradient
GenGammaDistrib Generalized Gamma distribution
GoodnessFit Goodness of fit tests on the marginal distributions of each part in a SGB model
gr.SGB SGB log-likelihood and gradient
heqa.SGB Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
heqa.SGB.jac Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
heqab.SGB Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
heqab.SGB.jac Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
heqb.SGB Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
heqb.SGB.jac Equality constraints for overall shape and/or regression parameters and jacobian
hin.SGB Inequality constraints and jacobian
hin.SGB.jac Inequality constraints and jacobian
hzbeta Histograms, quantile and probability plots for the z(u)-transforms of parts
Imputation Imputation of missing parts in compositions from a SGB model
impute.regSGB Imputation of missing parts in compositions from a SGB model
InequalityConstr Inequality constraints and jacobian
InitialParameters Initial parameters estimates and comparison
initpar.SGB Initial parameters estimates and comparison
ks.SGB Goodness of fit tests on the marginal distributions of each part in a SGB model
MarginPlots Histograms, quantile and probability plots for the z(u)-transforms of parts
MeanA.SGB Aitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
MeanAobj.SGB Aitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
ModeA.SGB Aitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
ModeAobj.SGB Aitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
ocar ocar data set
oilr oilr data set
print.regSGB Regression for compositions following a SGB distribution
print.testSGB Goodness of fit tests on the marginal distributions of each part in a SGB model
pzbeta Histograms, quantile and probability plots for the z(u)-transforms of parts
qzbeta Histograms, quantile and probability plots for the z(u)-transforms of parts
regSGB Regression for compositions following a SGB distribution
regSGB.default Regression for compositions following a SGB distribution
regSGB.formula Regression for compositions following a SGB distribution
rggamma Generalized Gamma distribution
rSGB Density and random generator for the SGB distribution
SGB Package SGB
SGBdistrib Density and random generator for the SGB distribution
SGBLik SGB log-likelihood and gradient
SGButil Computation of scales and z-vectors
stepSGB Stepwise backward elimination for SGB regression
stepSGB.default Stepwise backward elimination for SGB regression
summary.regSGB Regression for compositions following a SGB distribution
summaryA.SGB Aitchison expectation and mode under the SGB distribution
table.regSGB Tabulation of overall SGB regression results with AIC and matrix view of regression coefficients
Tabulation Tabulation of overall SGB regression results with AIC and matrix view of regression coefficients
zval Computation of scales and z-vectors