run_de {SCdeconR} | R Documentation |
Differential expression analysis
Performing differential expression analysis adjusting for cell proportion differences, and other covariates using a additive model.
prop = NULL,
control = NULL,
case = NULL,
de_method = c("edgeR", "DESeq2", "limma_voom", "limma"),
padj_method = "BH",
bulk |
a matrix-like object of gene expression values with rows representing genes, columns representing samples |
prop |
a matrix-like object of cell proportion values with rows representing cell types, columns representing samples. Default to NULL, not adjust for cell proportion. |
sampleinfo |
a data.frame of metadata for the samples. Rows represents samples; columns represents covariates to adjust for. The first column of sampleinfo should contains group information for differential analysis. |
control |
a character value indicating the control group in sampleinfo. Set to NULL to perform ANOVA-like analysis. |
case |
a character value indicating the case group in sampleinfo. Set to NULL to perform ANOVA-like analysis. |
de_method |
a character value indicating the method to use for testing differential expression. Should be one of "edgeR", "DESeq2", "limma_voom", "limma" |
padj_method |
method for adjusting multiple hypothesis testing. Default to "BH". See |
... |
parameters pass to DE methods. |
To perform ANOVA like analysis (differences between any groups), set control
& case
options to NULL
and choose one of the following methods:
edgeR, limma_voom or limma. DESeq2 does not provide direct support for this type of comparison.
a list of two elements:
a data.frame containing normalized gene expression data.
a data.frame containing detailed differential expression statistics. Columns represent "Gene name", "log2 fold change", "log2 average expression", "p value", "adjusted p value" respectively
ref_list <- c(paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "SCdeconR"), "/refdata/sample1"),
paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "SCdeconR"), "/refdata/sample2"))
phenopath1 <- paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "SCdeconR"),
phenopath2 <- paste0(system.file("extdata", package = "SCdeconR"),
phenodata_list <- c(phenopath1,phenopath2)
# construct integrated reference using harmony algorithm
refdata <- construct_ref(ref_list = ref_list,
phenodata_list = phenodata_list,
data_type = "cellranger",
method = "harmony",
group_var = "subjectid",
nfeature_rna = 50,
vars_to_regress = "percent_mt", verbose = FALSE)
phenodata <- data.frame(cellid = colnames(refdata),
celltypes = refdata$celltype,
subjectid = refdata$subjectid)
## construct a vector with same proportions across cell types
prop1 <- data.frame(celltypes = unique(refdata$celltype),
proportion = rep(0.125, 8))
## simulate 20 bulk samples based on specified cell type proportion
bulk_sim1 <- bulk_generator(ref = GetAssayData(refdata, slot = "data", assay = "SCT"),
phenodata = phenodata,
num_mixtures = 20,
prop = prop1, replace = TRUE)
## generate another vector with high proportion for a certian cell type
prop2 <- data.frame(celltypes = unique(refdata$celltype),
proportion = c(0.8, 0.1, 0.1, rep(0, 5)))
bulk_sim2 <- bulk_generator(ref = GetAssayData(refdata, slot = "data", assay = "SCT"),
phenodata = phenodata,
num_mixtures = 20,
prop = prop2, replace = TRUE)
## compare data for differential analysis
bulk_sim <- list(cbind(bulk_sim1[[1]], bulk_sim2[[1]]),
cbind(bulk_sim1[[2]], bulk_sim2[[2]]))
## force to be integer for DE purposes
bulk <- round(bulk_sim[[1]], digits=0)
colnames(bulk) <- paste0("sample", 1:ncol(bulk))
## predict cell type proportions using "OLS" algorithm
decon_res <- scdecon(bulk = bulk,
ref = GetAssayData(refdata, slot = "data", assay = "SCT"),
phenodata = phenodata,
filter_ref = TRUE,
decon_method = "OLS",
norm_method_sc = "LogNormalize",
norm_method_bulk = "TMM",
trans_method_sc = "none",
trans_method_bulk = "log2",
marker_strategy = "all")
## create sampleinfo
sampleinfo <- data.frame(condition = rep(c("group1", "group2"), each =20))
row.names(sampleinfo) <- colnames(bulk)
deres <- run_de(bulk = bulk,
prop = decon_res[[1]],
sampleinfo = sampleinfo,
control = "group1",
case = "group2",
de_method = "edgeR")
## run differential analysis without adjusting for cell proportion differences
deres_notadjust <- run_de(bulk = bulk,
prop = NULL,
sampleinfo = sampleinfo,
control = "group1",
case = "group2",
de_method = "edgeR")
## scatter plot to compare the effect of adjusting cell proportion differences
comparedeg_scatter(results1 = deres[[2]],
results2 = deres_notadjust[[2]],
result_names = c("adjust for cell proportion", "not adjust for cell proportion"),
fc_cutoff = 1.5,
pval_cutoff = 0.05,
pvalflag = TRUE,
interactive = FALSE)
## generate cell-type specific gene expression
ct_exprs_list <- celltype_expression(bulk = bulk,
ref = GetAssayData(refdata, slot = "data", assay = "SCT"),
phenodata = phenodata,
prop = decon_res[[1]],
UMI_min = 0,