Functions Used for SAiVE Group Research, Collaborations, and Publications

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Documentation for package ‘SAiVE’ version 1.0.5

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aspect Raster of aspect
basin_dem Raster of elevation for basin delineation testing
basin_pts Points for basin delineation
createStreams Create stream network from DEM
drainageBasins Watershed/basin delineation
elev Raster of elevation
hydroProcess Hydro-process a DEM
modelMatch Find machine learning models for use in caret
permafrost Permafrost data
permafrost_polygons Polygons of permafrost occurrence and type
slope Raster of slope angle
solrad Raster of solar radiation
spatPredict Predict spatial variables using machine learning
streams Lines representing streams
thinFeatures Remove irrelevant predictor variables
veg Raster of vegetation types
wbtCheck Check WhiteboxTools binaries installation