Extension of 'lixoftConnectors' for 'Simulx'

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Documentation for package ‘RsSimulx’ version 2023.1

Help Pages

catplotmlx Plot Categorical Longitudinal Data
exposure Computation of AUC, Cmax and Cmin
ggplotmlx wrapper for ggplot
initRsSimulx Initialize RsSimulx library
inlineDataFrame Inline dataframe
inlineModel Inline model
kmplotmlx Kaplan Meier plot
lixoft.read.table Read Lixoft@ files
prctilemlx Percentiles of the empiricial distribution of longitudinal data
read.vector Reads a table into a vector
rssimulxDemo.model Simulx project
rssimulxDemo.project Simulx project
shinymlx Automatic code generation for Shiny applications
simpopmlx Population parameters simulation
simulx Simulation of mixed effects models and longitudinal data
statmlx Summary of data
writeData Write Simulx Dataset