object |
An object of class RprobitB_fit .
form |
A formula object that is used to specify the model equation.
The structure is choice ~ A | B | C , where
choice is the name of the dependent variable (the choices),
A are names of alternative and choice situation specific
covariates with a coefficient that is constant across alternatives,
B are names of choice situation specific covariates with
alternative specific coefficients,
and C are names of alternative and choice situation specific
covariates with alternative specific coefficients.
Multiple covariates (of one type) are separated by a + sign.
By default, alternative specific constants (ASCs) are added to the model.
They can be removed by adding +0 in the second spot.
In the ordered probit model (ordered = TRUE ), the formula
object has the simple structure choice ~ A . ASCs are not estimated.
re |
A character (vector) of covariates of form with random effects.
If re = NULL (the default), there are no random effects.
To have random effects for the ASCs, include "ASC" in re .
alternatives |
A character vector with the names of the choice alternatives.
If not specified, the choice set is defined by the observed choices.
If ordered = TRUE , alternatives is assumed to be specified with
the alternatives ordered from worst to best.
id |
A character, the name of the column in choice_data that contains
unique identifier for each decision maker. The default is "id" .
idc |
A character, the name of the column in choice_data that contains
unique identifier for each choice situation of each decision maker.
Per default, these identifier are generated by the order of appearance.
standardize |
A character vector of names of covariates that get standardized.
Covariates of type 1 or 3 have to be addressed by
<covariate>_<alternative> .
If standardize = "all" , all covariates get standardized.
impute |
A character that specifies how to handle missing covariate entries in
choice_data , one of:
"complete_cases" , removes all rows containing missing
covariate entries (the default),
"zero" , replaces missing covariate entries by zero
(only for numeric columns),
"mean" , imputes missing covariate entries by the mean
(only for numeric columns).
scale |
A character which determines the utility scale. It is of the form
<parameter> := <value> , where <parameter> is either the name of a fixed
effect or Sigma_<j>,<j> for the <j> th diagonal element of Sigma , and
<value> is the value of the fixed parameter.
R |
The number of iterations of the Gibbs sampler.
B |
The length of the burn-in period, i.e. a non-negative number of samples to
be discarded.
Q |
The thinning factor for the Gibbs samples, i.e. only every Q th
sample is kept.
print_progress |
A boolean, determining whether to print the Gibbs sampler progress and the
estimated remaining computation time.
prior |
A named list of parameters for the prior distributions. See the documentation
of check_prior for details about which parameters can be
latent_classes |
Either NULL (for no latent classes) or a list of parameters specifying
the number of latent classes and their updating scheme:
C : The fixed number (greater or equal 1) of latent classes,
which is set to 1 per default. If either weight_update = TRUE
or dp_update = TRUE (i.e. if classes are updated), C
equals the initial number of latent classes.
weight_update : A boolean, set to TRUE to weight-based
update the latent classes. See ... for details.
dp_update : A boolean, set to TRUE to update the latent
classes based on a Dirichlet process. See ... for details.
Cmax : The maximum number of latent classes.
buffer : The number of iterations to wait before a next
weight-based update of the latent classes.
epsmin : The threshold weight (between 0 and 1) for removing
a latent class in the weight-based updating scheme.
epsmax : The threshold weight (between 0 and 1) for splitting
a latent class in the weight-based updating scheme.
distmin : The (non-negative) threshold in class mean difference
for joining two latent classes in the weight-based updating scheme.
seed |
Set a seed for the Gibbs sampling.
... |