Interface (Wrapper) to MPI (Message-Passing Interface)

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Documentation for package ‘Rmpi’ version 0.7-2

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L M S T misc

-- L --

lamhosts Hosts Information

-- M --

mpi.abort MPI_Abort API
mpi.allgather MPI_Gather, MPI_Gatherv, MPI_Allgather, and MPI_Allgatherv APIs
mpi.allgather.Robj Extentions of MPI_Gather and MPI_Allgather APIs
mpi.allgatherv MPI_Gather, MPI_Gatherv, MPI_Allgather, and MPI_Allgatherv APIs
mpi.allreduce MPI_Reduce and MPI_Allreduce APIs
mpi.any.source MPI Constants
mpi.any.tag MPI Constants
mpi.apply Scatter an array to slaves and then apply a FUN
mpi.applyLB (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.barrier MPI_Barrier API
mpi.bcast MPI_Bcast API
mpi.bcast.cmd Extension of MPI_Bcast API
mpi.bcast.data2slave Extensions of MPI_Bcast API
mpi.bcast.Rfun2slave Extensions of MPI_Bcast API
mpi.bcast.Robj Extensions of MPI_Bcast API
mpi.bcast.Robj2slave Extensions of MPI_Bcast API
mpi.cancel Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.cart.coords MPI_Cart_coords
mpi.cart.create MPI_Cart_create
mpi.cart.get MPI_Cart_get
mpi.cart.rank MPI_Cart_rank
mpi.cart.shift MPI_Cart_shift
mpi.cartdim.get MPI_Cartdim_get
mpi.close.Rslaves Spawn and Close R Slaves
mpi.comm.c2f MPI_Comm_c2f, MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_rank, and MPI_Comm_size APIs
mpi.comm.disconnect MPI_Comm_disconnect API
mpi.comm.dup MPI_Comm_c2f, MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_rank, and MPI_Comm_size APIs MPI_Comm_free API
mpi.comm.get.parent MPI_Comm_get_parent, MPI_Comm_remote_size, MPI_Comm_test_inter APIs Internal functions
mpi.comm.maxsize Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.comm.rank MPI_Comm_c2f, MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_rank, and MPI_Comm_size APIs
mpi.comm.remote.size MPI_Comm_get_parent, MPI_Comm_remote_size, MPI_Comm_test_inter APIs
mpi.comm.set.errhandler MPI_Comm_set_errhandler API
mpi.comm.size MPI_Comm_c2f, MPI_Comm_dup, MPI_Comm_rank, and MPI_Comm_size APIs
mpi.comm.spawn MPI_Comm_spawn API
mpi.comm.test.inter MPI_Comm_get_parent, MPI_Comm_remote_size, MPI_Comm_test_inter APIs
mpi.dims.create MPI_Dims_create
mpi.exit Exit MPI Environment
mpi.finalize MPI_Finalize API
mpi.gather MPI_Gather, MPI_Gatherv, MPI_Allgather, and MPI_Allgatherv APIs
mpi.gather.Robj Extentions of MPI_Gather and MPI_Allgather APIs
mpi.gatherv MPI_Gather, MPI_Gatherv, MPI_Allgather, and MPI_Allgatherv APIs
mpi.get.count MPI_Get_count API MPI_Get_processor_name API
mpi.get.sourcetag Utility for finding the source and tag of a received message
mpi.hostinfo Hosts Information
mpi.iapply Scatter an array to slaves and then apply a FUN
mpi.iapplyLB (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features MPI_Info_create, MPI_Info_free, MPI_Info_get, MPI_Info_set APIs MPI_Info_create, MPI_Info_free, MPI_Info_get, MPI_Info_set APIs MPI_Info_create, MPI_Info_free, MPI_Info_get, MPI_Info_set APIs MPI_Info_create, MPI_Info_free, MPI_Info_get, MPI_Info_set APIs
mpi.intercomm.merge MPI_Intercomm_merge API
mpi.iparApply (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparCapply (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparLapply (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparMM (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparRapply (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparReplicate (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iparSapply (Load balancing) parallel apply with nonblocking features
mpi.iprobe MPI_Probe and MPI_Iprobe APIs
mpi.irecv MPI_Send, MPI_Isend, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Irecv APIs Hosts Information
mpi.isend MPI_Send, MPI_Isend, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Irecv APIs
mpi.isend.Robj Extensions of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv APIs
mpi.parApply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parCapply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parLapply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parMM (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parRapply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parReplicate (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parSapply (Load balancing) parallel apply
mpi.parSim Parallel Monte Carlo Simulation
mpi.probe MPI_Probe and MPI_Iprobe APIs
mpi.proc.null MPI Constants
mpi.quit Exit MPI Environment
mpi.realloc.comm Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.realloc.request Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.realloc.status Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.recv MPI_Send, MPI_Isend, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Irecv APIs
mpi.recv.Robj Extensions of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv APIs
mpi.reduce MPI_Reduce and MPI_Allreduce APIs
mpi.remote.exec Remote Executions on R slaves
mpi.request.maxsize Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.scatter MPI_Scatter and MPI_Scatterv APIs
mpi.scatter.Robj Extensions of MPI_ SCATTER and MPI_SCATTERV
mpi.scatter.Robj2slave Extensions of MPI_ SCATTER and MPI_SCATTERV
mpi.scatterv MPI_Scatter and MPI_Scatterv APIs
mpi.send MPI_Send, MPI_Isend, MPI_Recv, and MPI_Irecv APIs
mpi.send.Robj Extensions of MPI_Send and MPI_Recv APIs
mpi.sendrecv MPI_Sendrecv and MPI_Sendrecv_replace APIs
mpi.sendrecv.replace MPI_Sendrecv and MPI_Sendrecv_replace APIs
mpi.setup.rngstream Setup parallel RNG on all slaves
mpi.spawn.Rslaves Spawn and Close R Slaves
mpi.status.maxsize Find and increase the lengthes of MPI opaques comm, request, and status
mpi.test Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.test.cancelled Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.testall Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.testany Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.testsome Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.universe.size MPI_Universe_size API
mpi.wait Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.waitall Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.waitany Nonblocking completion operations
mpi.waitsome Nonblocking completion operations

-- S --

slave.hostinfo Hosts Information
string Internal functions

-- T --

tailslave.log Spawn and Close R Slaves

-- misc --

.docall Internal functions
.force.type Internal functions
.mpi.undefined Internal functions
.mpi.worker.apply Internal functions
.mpi.worker.applyLB Internal functions
.mpi.worker.exec Internal functions
.mpi.worker.sim Internal functions
.onUnload Internal functions
.simplify Internal functions
.splitIndices Internal functions
.typeindex Internal functions