cube {ResistorArray}R Documentation

Specimen conductance matrices


Various conductance matrices for simple resistor configurations including a skeleton cube





Resistance of each edge. See details section


Function cube() returns an eight-by-eight conductance matrix for a skeleton cube of 12 resistors. Each row/column corresponds to one of the 8 vertices that are the electrical nodes of the compound resistor.

In one orientation, node 1 has position 000, node 2 position 001, node 3 position 101, node 4 position 100, node 5 position 010, node 6 position 011, node 7 position 111, and node 8 position 110.

In cube(), x is a vector of twelve elements (a scalar argument is interpreted as the resistance of each resistor) representing the twelve resistances of a skeleton cube. In the orientation described below, the elements of x correspond to R12R_{12}, R14R_{14}, R15R_{15}, R23R_{23}, R26R_{26}, R34R_{34}, R37R_{37}, R48R_{48}, R56R_{56}, R58R_{58}, R67R_{67}, R78R_{78} (here RijR_{ij} is the resistancd between node ii and jj). This series is obtainable by reading the rows given by platonic("cube"). The pattern is general: edges are ordered first by the row number ii, then column number jj.

In octahedron(), x is a vector of twelve elements (again scalar argument is interpreted as the resistance of each resistor) representing the twelve resistances of a skeleton octahedron. If node 1 is “top” and node 6 is “bottom”, the elements of x correspond to R12R_{12}, R13R_{13}, R14R_{14}, R15R_{15}, R23R_{23}, R25R_{25}, R26R_{26}, R34R_{34}, R36R_{36}, R45R_{45}, R46R_{46}, R56R_{56}. This may be read off from the rows of platonic("octahedron").

To do a Wheatstone bridge, use tetrahedron() with one of the resistances Inf. As a worked example, let us determine the resistance of a Wheatstone bridge with four resistances one ohm and one of two ohms; the two-ohm resistor is one of the ones touching the earthed node.

To do this, first draw a tetrahedron with four nodes. Then say we want the resistance between node 1 and node 3; thus edge 1-3 is the infinite one. platonic("tetrahedron") gives us the order of the edges: 12, 13, 14, 23, 24, 34. Thus the conductance matrix is given by jj <- tetrahedron(c(2,Inf,1,1,1,1)) and the resistance is given by resistance(jj,1,3) [compare the analytical answer of 117/99 ohms].


Robin K. S. Hankin


F. J. van Steenwijk “Equivalent resistors of polyhedral resistive structures”, American Journal of Physics, 66(1), January 1988.


 resistance(cube(),1,7)  #known to be 5/6 ohm
 resistance(cube(),1,2)  #known to be 7/12 ohm

 resistance(octahedron(),1,6) #known to be 1/2 ohm
 resistance(octahedron(),1,5) #known to be 5/12 ohm


[Package ResistorArray version 1.0-32 Index]