Electrical Properties of Resistor Networks

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Documentation for package ‘ResistorArray’ version 1.0-32

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ResistorArray-package Electrical Properties of Resistor Networks
array.resistance Resistance between two arbitrary points on a regular lattice of unit resistors
circuit Mensurates a circuit given potentials of some nodes and current flow into the others
cube Specimen conductance matrices
currents Calculates currents in an arbitrary resistor array
currents.matrix Calculates currents in an arbitrary resistor array
dodecahedron Specimen conductance matrices
hypercube Conductance matrix of a Boolean hypercube
icosahedron Specimen conductance matrices
ladder Jacob's ladder of resistors
makefullmatrix Conductance matrix for a lattice of unit resistors
makefullmatrix_strict Conductance matrix for a lattice of unit resistors
octahedron Specimen conductance matrices
platonic Adjacency of platonic solids
resistance Resistance for arbitrarily connected networks of resistors
ResistorArray Electrical Properties of Resistor Networks
series Conductance matrix for resistors in series
SquaredSquare A Squared square
Squaredsquare A Squared square
squaredsquare A Squared square
tetrahedron Specimen conductance matrices
Wheatstone Specimen conductance matrices
wheatstone Specimen conductance matrices
Wu Wu's resistance matrix