Model-Free Reinforcement Learning

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Documentation for package ‘ReinforcementLearning’ version 1.0.5

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computePolicy Computes the reinforcement learning policy
epsilonGreedyActionSelection Performs \varepsilon-greedy action selection
experienceReplay Performs experience replay
gridworldEnvironment Defines an environment for a gridworld example
lookupActionSelection Converts a name into an action selection function
lookupLearningRule Loads reinforcement learning algorithm
policy Computes the reinforcement learning policy
randomActionSelection Performs random action selection
ReinforcementLearning Performs reinforcement learning
replayExperience Performs experience replay
rl Performs reinforcement learning
sampleExperience Sample state transitions from an environment function
sampleGridSequence Sample grid sequence
selectEpsilonGreedyAction Performs \varepsilon-greedy action selection
selectRandomAction Performs random action selection
state Creates a state representation for arbitrary objects
tictactoe Game states of 100,000 randomly sampled Tic-Tac-Toe games.