computePolicy |
Computes the reinforcement learning policy |
epsilonGreedyActionSelection |
Performs \varepsilon-greedy action selection |
experienceReplay |
Performs experience replay |
gridworldEnvironment |
Defines an environment for a gridworld example |
lookupActionSelection |
Converts a name into an action selection function |
lookupLearningRule |
Loads reinforcement learning algorithm |
policy |
Computes the reinforcement learning policy |
randomActionSelection |
Performs random action selection |
ReinforcementLearning |
Performs reinforcement learning |
replayExperience |
Performs experience replay |
rl |
Performs reinforcement learning |
sampleExperience |
Sample state transitions from an environment function |
sampleGridSequence |
Sample grid sequence |
selectEpsilonGreedyAction |
Performs \varepsilon-greedy action selection |
selectRandomAction |
Performs random action selection |
state |
Creates a state representation for arbitrary objects |
tictactoe |
Game states of 100,000 randomly sampled Tic-Tac-Toe games. |