Menu.Inspect {RcmdrPlugin.DoE}R Documentation

Inspecting the active design


This help file describes the menu for inspecting the active design


This menu offers possibilities for inspecting a designs properties. It is not meant to analyse data but to look at the structure of a design.

The menu item Display active design prints the current design.
The menu item Summarize active design prints a summary of the current design, based on the summary method for class design.
The menu item Plot active design ... plots selected experimental factors of the current design, based on the plot method for class design, applied to the design stripped of any responses.
The menu item Tabulate active design ... tabulates selected experimental factors of the current design.
The menu item Experts: display for active design displays the attribute of the current design (cf. design for a general description of class design and its attributes).

Plotting and tabulating are particularly interesting for designs with qualitative factors, and when looking at three or four factors at a time, because this highlights factor combinations that do not occur or do not occur equally often. Ideally (generalized resolution IV), each projection onto three factors is a full factorial, which is equivalent to zero words of generalized length 3 (the analogous request for projections onto four factors corresponds to generalized resolution V).

Note that the menu items are available only, if the active data frame is a class design object.


Ulrike Groemping

[Package RcmdrPlugin.DoE version 0.12-5 Index]