RcmdrPlugin.DoE-package |
R-Commander plugin package that implements design of experiments facilities from packages DoE.base, FrF2 and DoE.wrapper into the R-Commander |
DoEGlossary |
Glossary for DoE terminology as used in RcmdrPlugin.DoE |
editDataset.design |
function to add a warning to the Rcmdr editDataset function |
Menu.2level |
2-level factorial designs |
Menu.addcenter |
Adding center points to a 2-level design |
Menu.addresponse |
Adding (a) response(s) to an existing design |
Menu.Analyze |
Analyze experimental designs |
Menu.augmentlhs |
Menu for augmenting an existing latin hypercube sample |
Menu.bbd |
Menu for generating Box-Behnken designs for quantitative factors |
Menu.bbdTab1 |
Basic information for Box-Behnken designs |
Menu.BsMDPlot |
Help on using the menu for 2-level Bayesian Screening analysis |
Menu.cand |
Menu for generating D-optimal designs |
Menu.ccd |
Menu for generating central composite designs for quantitative factors |
Menu.ccdTab1 |
Basic information for Central Composite Designs |
Menu.changecontr |
Help on using the menu for changing contrasts |
Menu.colremove |
Help on using the menu for deleting columns |
Menu.contour |
Contour plots for linear models with quantitative regressors |
Menu.display |
Using display design menu |
Menu.Dopt |
Menu for generating D-optimal designs |
Menu.DoptTab1 |
Basic information for creation of D-optimal Designs |
Menu.EffectsPlots |
Help on using the menu for (half) normal effects plots |
Menu.ExpImp |
Exporting and importing Designs |
Menu.exportTab |
Using the export menu |
Menu.fac |
Menu for generating full factorial designs |
Menu.FacDetails2Tab |
How to use the factor details tab for 2-level and quantitative designs |
Menu.FacDetailsGenTab |
How to use the factor details tab for general designs |
Menu.facTab1 |
Basic information for full factorial designs |
Menu.FrF2level |
Menu for generating regular fractional factorial 2-level designs |
Menu.FrF2levelTab1 |
Basic information for regular (fractional) factorial 2-level designs |
Menu.FrF2levelTabEstimable |
Estimable 2fis for regular (fractional) factorial 2-level designs |
Menu.General |
General factorial designs |
Menu.IAPlot |
Help on using the menu for 2-level main effects and interaction plots |
Menu.import |
Using the import menu |
Menu.importrdacsv |
Re-importing an exported design with the R-Commander |
Menu.Inspect |
Inspecting the active design |
Menu.lhs |
Menu for generating latin hypercube samples for quantitative factors |
Menu.lhsTab1 |
Basic information for latin hypercube samples |
Menu.linearModelDesign |
RcmdrPlugin.DoE Linear Model Dialog for experimental data |
Menu.loadcatlg |
Using the menu for loading catalogues |
Menu.mExport |
Using the export menu |
Menu.mImport |
Using the import menu |
Menu.model |
Using the linear model menu |
Menu.Modify |
Modifying designs |
Menu.oa |
Menu for generating orthogonal main effects designs |
Menu.oaTab1 |
Basic information for orthogonal main effects designs |
Menu.Optimal |
Optimal designs |
Menu.param |
Help on using the menu for Taguchi inner-outer array designs |
Menu.pb2level |
Menu for generating non-regular fractional factorial 2-level designs |
Menu.pb2levelTab1 |
Basic information for 2-level screening designs |
Menu.pickcube |
Pick the cube portion from a central composite design |
Menu.plot |
Help on using the menu for plotting selected factors |
Menu.QuantDesignAnalyze |
Analyze designs for quantitative factors |
Menu.Quantitative |
Designs specifically tailored to quantitative factors |
Menu.responses |
Help on using the menu for response selection |
Menu.rsm |
RcmdrPlugin.DoE response surface model Dialog for experimental data |
Menu.rsmmodel |
Using the response surface model menu |
Menu.steepest |
Using the steepest slope menu |
Menu.summarize |
Using the summarize menu |
Menu.tab |
Help on using the menu for tabulating selected factors |
Menus |
Help on using R-Commander menus |
PlotMeansDoE.menu |
Menu for main effects and interaction plots for general factorial designs |
RcmdrPlugin.DoE |
R-Commander plugin package that implements design of experiments facilities from packages DoE.base, FrF2 and DoE.wrapper into the R-Commander |