ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour {RchivalTag}R Documentation

Boxplot on hourly aggregated DepthTS records


This function creates a boxplot via the ggplot library from hourly aggregated DepthTS records


ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df, ylim, min_perc=75,
                          main="", submain, add_ids_to_submain=FALSE, xlab,
                          ID, ID_label="Serial",
                          plot_DayTimePeriods=TRUE, twilight.set="ast",
                          box=TRUE, jitter=FALSE, 
                          color_by=ID_label, cb.title=color_by,
                          pal, opacity=0.1,tz="UTC")



data.frame with DepthTS data,


limits of the y-axis.


the minimum data coverage (in percent) of daily DepthTS recoords (by default 75%).

main, submain, add_ids_to_submain, xlab

The title and subtitle of the figure as well as the label of the x-axis.

ID, ID_label

Tag ID and its label (column name; by default "Serial") to be selected (e.g. if input data frame holds tagging data from several tags).

plot_DayTimePeriods, twilight.set

whether day-time periods ('Night', 'Dawn', 'Day', 'Dusk') should be plotted as shaded areas. In case that plot_DayTimePeriods is set TRUE), the limits of each time period are required (columns sunrise, sunset, dawn.ast,/dawn.naut and dawn.ast/dawn.naut in POSIXct-format. In case of the twilight events, the additional argument twilight.set defines the suffix of the twlight-set to be selected ( "ast" for astronomical dawn and dusks vs "naut" for nautical twilight events).


whether to draw a box around the figure (by default TRUE)

jitter, color_by, cb.title, pal, opacity

whether to draw all Depth records on top of the boxplot (by default FALSE). If selected, records will be colored via the different groups in the column specified in color_by with colors specified by the color palette pal and the opacity value between 0 (transparent) and 1 (solid).


The time zone in which the data should be illustrated (By default "UTC"). ATTENTION: The required date format of the input data is "UTC" (across all RchivalTag-functions). Run OlsonNames(tzdir = NULL) for valid time zone definitions. Be aware that changes of the time zone will alter the internal date definition and thus may result in different datasets to be displayed (depending on the min_perc requirements). This concerns mainly partially transmitted data sets.


Robert K. Bauer

See Also

hist_tad, plot_DepthTS, dy_DepthTS


# ts_file <- system.file("example_files/104659-Series.csv",package="RchivalTag")
# ts_df <- read_TS(ts_file)
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df)
# ## Let's add position data to obtain twilight and nighttime shadings:
# ts_df$Lon <- 5; ts_df$Lat <- 43
# ts_df2 <- get_DayTimeLimits(ts_df)
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df2,ylim=c(0,100))
# ### Let's add the actual depth records on top of the boxplot
# ###(only meaningful in case of few amounts of data):
# ggboxplot_DepthTS_by_hour(ts_df2,jitter = T,opacity = 0.1)

[Package RchivalTag version 0.1.9 Index]