Extensible, Parallelizable Implementation of the Random Forest Algorithm

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Documentation for package ‘Rborist’ version 0.3-7

Help Pages

expandfe Expands forest values into front-end readable vectors.
expandfe.default Expands forest values into front-end readable vectors.
Export Exportation Format for rfArb Training Output
Export.default Exportation Format for rfArb Training Output
forestWeight Meinshausen forest weights
forestWeight.default Meinshausen forest weights
predict.arbTrain predict method for arbTrain result
preformat Preformatting for Training with Warm Starts
preformat.default Preformatting for Training with Warm Starts
presample Forest-wide Observation Sampling
presample.default Forest-wide Observation Sampling
Rborist Rapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
Rborist.default Rapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
RboristNews NEWS Displayer for Rborist
rfArb Rapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
rfArb.default Rapid Decision Tree Construction and Evaluation
rfTrain Rapid Decision Tree Training
rfTrain.default Rapid Decision Tree Training
Streamline Reducing Memory Footprint of Trained Decision Forest
Streamline.rfArb Reducing Memory Footprint of Trained Decision Forest
validate Separate Validation of Trained Decision Forest
validate.default Separate Validation of Trained Decision Forest