Project Multidimensional Data in 2D Space

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Documentation for package ‘Radviz’ version 0.9.3

Help Pages

anchor.filter Filtering out anchors with low contributions to the projection
bubbleRadviz A Plotting Function for the Radviz Object
contour.radviz Plots the Dimensional Anchors and density lines for projected data points in a 2D space.
cosine Compute the Cosine Similarity between the Columns of a Data Set
DB_weightedIdx Computation of weighted version of the Davies-Bouldin index. This index serves as a measure of clustering quality of a 2D projection result with known class labels
dim.radviz Radviz Object Summary, head, print, dim and springs Methods
do.L Perform L-Normalization on a Vector
do.optim Optimize the Dimensional Anchors Position for Radviz projection using a Genetic Algorithm
do.optimFreeviz Optimize the Dimensional Anchors Position using the Freeviz algorithm
do.optimGraphviz Optimize the Dimensional Anchors Position using the Graphviz algorithm
do.optimRadviz Optimize the Dimensional Anchors Position for Radviz projection using a Genetic Algorithm
do.radviz Projects a Matrix or a Data Frame to a 2D space defined by Dimensional Anchors
do.radviz.default Projects a Matrix or a Data Frame to a 2D space defined by Dimensional Anchors
get.optim Get the Result of the Optimization Operation
head.radviz Radviz Object Summary, head, print, dim and springs Methods
hexplot A hexplot function for Radviz objects
in.da Optimization functions for Dimensional Anchors in Radviz
is.radviz Test if the object is a Radviz object
is.valid Identify the valid projections from a Radviz object
make.S Define Dimensional Anchors around the Unit Circle
plot.radviz A Plotting Function for the Radviz Object
print.radviz Radviz Object Summary, head, print, dim and springs Methods
Radviz Radviz Projection of Multidimensional Data
recenter Rotate Dimensional Anchors around the Unit Circle
rescalePlot Rescaling of projected data for plotting
rv.da Optimization functions for Dimensional Anchors in Radviz
smoothRadviz A smoothScatter function for Radviz objects
springs Radviz Object Summary, head, print, dim and springs Methods
subset.radviz Subsetting a Radviz projection
summary.radviz Radviz Object Summary, head, print, dim and springs Methods
text.radviz Text annotations for for the Radviz Plots
theme_radviz Complete ggplot2 theme for Radviz projections
tuneForceRatio Method to compute optimal ratio between repulsive and attractive forces for Freeviz.