RadOnc-package {RadOnc}R Documentation

Analytical Tools for Radiation Oncology


Designed for the import, analysis, and visualization of dosimetric and volumetric data in Radiation Oncology, the tools herein enable import of dose-volume histogram information from multiple treatment planning system platforms and 3D structural representations and dosimetric information from 'DICOM-RT' files. These tools also enable subsequent visualization and statistical analysis of these data.



Package: RadOnc
Type: Package
Title: Analytical Tools for Radiation Oncology
Version: 1.1.8
Date: 2022-10-04
Author: Reid F. Thompson <reid.thompson@gmail.com>
Maintainer: Reid F. Thompson <reid.thompson@gmail.com>
Imports: stats, utils
Depends: R (>= 3.0.0), graphics, grDevices, methods, oro.dicom (>= 0.5.0), ptinpoly
Description: Designed for the import, analysis, and visualization of dosimetric and volumetric data in Radiation Oncology, the tools herein enable import of dose-volume histogram information from multiple treatment planning system platforms and 3D structural representations and dosimetric information from 'DICOM-RT' files. These tools also enable subsequent visualization and statistical analysis of these data.
License: GPL (>=2)
LazyData: yes
LazyLoad: yes

Index of help topics:

DVH-class               Class '"DVH"'
DVH.list-class          Class '"DVH.list"'
LQE                     Linear Quadratic Extrapolated (LQE) Dose
RTdata-class            Class '"RTdata"'
RadOnc-package          Analytical Tools for Radiation Oncology
calculate.DVH           Calculate DVH data for one or more structure(s)
                        using a dose grid
compareStructures       Compare Axially-Defined Three-Dimensional
gEUD                    Generalized Equivalent Uniform Dose (gEUD)
get.HU                  Extract Hounsfield Unit (HU) data for one or
                        more structure(s) from a CT image
johndoe                 DVH data for 'John Doe' and 'Jane Doe'; 3D
                        structural data for 'cord', 'mandible', and
                        'teeth'; RT data for 'Jane Doe'; and a zDVH
                        object for 'stomach'
plot-methods            Additional Methods for Function 'plot' in
                        Package 'graphics'
read.DICOM.RT           Read DICOM-RT data from an input directory
read.DVH                Read DVH data from input file
structure.list-class    Class '"structure.list"'
structure3D-class       Class '"structure3D"'
subset.DVH.list         Extract a subset of a larger DVH list
zDVH-class              Class '"zDVH"'


Reid F. Thompson <reid.thompson@gmail.com>

Maintainer: Reid F. Thompson <reid.thompson@gmail.com>


Thompson, R.F. (2014) RadOnc: An R Package for Analysis of Dose-Volume Histogram and Three-Dimensional Structural Data. J Radiat Oncol Inform 6(1):98-110.

See Also

DVH, DVH.list, structure3D, structure.list, RTdata


## See sub-documentation for detailed examples of important package functions ##

[Package RadOnc version 1.1.8 Index]