Advanced Response Surface Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘RSAtools’ version 0.1.1

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best.rsa Compare a list of polynomial models against the data
best.rsa2 Compare two polynomial models against the data
exportRSA.bootstrap Export bootstrapped parameters of polynomial model Export fit indices and names of polynomials models
ident.ext Probe extrema in the response surface
plotting.ext Plot extrema in the response surface along the lines of congruence and incongruence
plotting.rsa Plots the response surface of a polynomial model of first, second, or third degree
plotting.rsaCOEF Plots the response surface of a polynomial model of first, second, or third degree
RSAmodel Estimate polynomial models for response surface analysis
RSAmodel.auxiliary Estimate a list of polynomial models for RSA, using auxiliary variables in FIML
RSA_step1 Simulation data on needs-supplies fit processes (STEP1)
sim_NSfit Simulation data on needs-supplies fit processes (illustration)