LoadApneaWFDB {RHRV} | R Documentation |
Loads apnea episodes for WFDB record
Loads the information of apnea episodes and stores it into the data structure containing the beat positions and other related information
LoadApneaWFDB(HRVData, RecordName, RecordPath = ".", Tag = "APNEA",
HRVData |
Data structure that stores the beats register and information related to it |
RecordName |
The WFDB file to be used |
RecordPath |
The path of the WFDB file |
Tag |
to include APNEA episodes |
verbose |
Deprecated argument maintained for compatibility, use SetVerbose() instead |
Returns HRVData, the structure that contains beat positions register and other related information and apnea episodes information
An example including all the steps to download a record from Physionet and load its content and the Apnea annotations is included below:
dirorig <- "http://www.physionet.org/physiobank/database/apnea-ecg/"
files <- c("a01.hea", "a01.apn", "a01.qrs")
filesorig <- paste(dirorig, files, sep = "")
for (i in 1:length(files))
download.file(filesorig[i], files[i])
hrv.data <- CreateHRVData()
hrv.data <- LoadBeatWFDB(hrv.data, "a01")
hrv.data <- LoadApneaWFDB(hrv.data, "a01")
M. Lado, A. Mendez, D. Olivieri, L. Rodriguez, X. Vila
L. Rodriguez-Linares, A. Mendez, M. Lado, D. Olivieri, X. Vila, I. Gomez-Conde, "An open source tool for heart rate variability spectral analysis", Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine 103, 39-50, doi:10.1016/j.cmpb.2010.05.012 (2011)