Heart Rate Variability Analysis of ECG Data

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Documentation for package ‘RHRV’ version 4.2.7

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RHRV-package RHRV: An R-based software package for the heart rate variability analysis of ECG recordings
AddEpisodes Adds new episodes manually
AnalyzeHRbyEpisodes Analyzes Heart Rate using episodes information
AnalyzePowerBandsByEpisodes Analyze power band by episodes
AvgIntegralCorrelation Calculates the average of the Integral Correlations
BuildNIHR Builds the instantaneous heart rate signal from a beat position array
BuildTakens Build the Takens' vectors
BuildTakensVector Calculates Takens expanded vectors
CalculateApEn Calculates Approximate Entropy
CalculateCorrDim Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1)
CalculateDFA Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
CalculateEmbeddingDim Estimate the proper embedding dimension for the RR time series
CalculateEnergyInPSDBands CalculateSPDBandsEnergy
CalculateFracDim Calculates Fractal Dimension
CalculateInfDim Information dimension of the RR time series
CalculateMaxLyapunov Maximum lyapunov exponent
CalculatePowerBand Calculates power per band
CalculatePSD Spectral Density Estimation
CalculateRfromCorrelation Calculates ra and rb from Correlation
CalculateSampleEntropy Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy)
CalculateSpectrogram Calculates the spectrogram of a signal
CalculateTimeLag Estimate an appropiate time lag for the Takens' vectors
CreateFreqAnalysis Creates data analysis structure for frequency analysis calculations
CreateHRVData Creates data structure for all the calculations
CreateNonLinearAnalysis Creates data analysis structure for non linear analysis calculations
CreateTimeAnalysis Creates data analysis structure for time analysis calculations
EditNIHR Manually edition of non-interpolated instantaneous heart rate
EstimateCorrDim Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1)
EstimateDFA Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
EstimateInfDim Information dimension of the RR time series
EstimateMaxLyapunov Maximum lyapunov exponent
EstimatePSDSlope Estimate the slope of the Power Spectral Density (PSD).
EstimateSampleEntropy Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy)
ExtractTimeSegment Time windows of HR record
FilterNIHR Artefact filter based in an adaptive threshold
GenerateEpisodes Creates new episodes from old ones
getNormSpectralUnits Normalized Spectral Units
HRVProcessedData HRVProcessedData
IntegralCorrelation Calculates the Integral Correlation
InterpolateNIHR Linear or Spline interpolator for build the sample heart rate signal
ListEpisodes Episodes listing
LoadApneaWFDB Loads apnea episodes for WFDB record
LoadBeat Builds an array of beats positions from different type of files
LoadBeatAmbit Imports data from a record in Suunto Ambit XML format
LoadBeatAscii Builds an array of beats positions from an ascii file
LoadBeatEDFPlus Imports data from a record in EDF+ format
LoadBeatPolar Imports data from a record in Polar format
LoadBeatRR Builds an array of beats positions from an ascii file
LoadBeatSuunto Imports data from a record in Suunto format
LoadBeatVector Loads beats positions from an R vector
LoadBeatWFDB Imports data from a record in WFDB format
LoadEpisodesAscii Loads episodes file
LoadHeaderWFDB Imports header information from a record in wfdb format
ModifyEpisodes Modifies values of episodes
NonlinearityTests Nonlinearity tests
NonLinearNoiseReduction Nonlinear noise reduction
OverplotEpisodes OverplotEpisodes
PlotCorrDim Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1)
PlotDFA Detrended Fluctuation Analysis
PlotHR Simple plot of interpolated heart rate
PlotInfDim Information dimension of the RR time series
PlotMaxLyapunov Maximum lyapunov exponent
PlotNIHR Simple plot of non-interpolated heart rate
PlotPowerBand Plots power determined by CalculatePowerBand function
PlotPSD Plot Spectral Density Estimation
PlotSampleEntropy Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy)
PlotSinglePowerBand PlotSinglePowerBand
PlotSpectrogram Calculates and Plots spectrogram
PoincarePlot Poincare Plot
ReadFromFile Reads data structure from file
RecurrencePlot Recurrence Plot
RemoveEpisodes Remove episodes by indexes or tags
RHRV RHRV: An R-based software package for the heart rate variability analysis of ECG recordings
RQA Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA)
SetVerbose Sets verbose mode on or off
SplitHRbyEpisodes Splits Heart Rate Data using Episodes information
SplitPowerBandByEpisodes Splits Power Per Band using Episodes information
SurrogateTest Surrogate data testing
Window Time windows of RR intervals
WriteToFile Writes data structure to a file