RHRV-package |
RHRV: An R-based software package for the heart rate variability analysis of ECG recordings |
AddEpisodes |
Adds new episodes manually |
AnalyzeHRbyEpisodes |
Analyzes Heart Rate using episodes information |
AnalyzePowerBandsByEpisodes |
Analyze power band by episodes |
AvgIntegralCorrelation |
Calculates the average of the Integral Correlations |
BuildNIHR |
Builds the instantaneous heart rate signal from a beat position array |
BuildTakens |
Build the Takens' vectors |
BuildTakensVector |
Calculates Takens expanded vectors |
CalculateApEn |
Calculates Approximate Entropy |
CalculateCorrDim |
Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1) |
CalculateDFA |
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
CalculateEmbeddingDim |
Estimate the proper embedding dimension for the RR time series |
CalculateEnergyInPSDBands |
CalculateSPDBandsEnergy |
CalculateFracDim |
Calculates Fractal Dimension |
CalculateInfDim |
Information dimension of the RR time series |
CalculateMaxLyapunov |
Maximum lyapunov exponent |
CalculatePowerBand |
Calculates power per band |
CalculatePSD |
Spectral Density Estimation |
CalculateRfromCorrelation |
Calculates ra and rb from Correlation |
CalculateSampleEntropy |
Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
CalculateSpectrogram |
Calculates the spectrogram of a signal |
CalculateTimeLag |
Estimate an appropiate time lag for the Takens' vectors |
CreateFreqAnalysis |
Creates data analysis structure for frequency analysis calculations |
CreateHRVData |
Creates data structure for all the calculations |
CreateNonLinearAnalysis |
Creates data analysis structure for non linear analysis calculations |
CreateTimeAnalysis |
Creates data analysis structure for time analysis calculations |
EditNIHR |
Manually edition of non-interpolated instantaneous heart rate |
EstimateCorrDim |
Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1) |
EstimateDFA |
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
EstimateInfDim |
Information dimension of the RR time series |
EstimateMaxLyapunov |
Maximum lyapunov exponent |
EstimatePSDSlope |
Estimate the slope of the Power Spectral Density (PSD). |
EstimateSampleEntropy |
Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
ExtractTimeSegment |
Time windows of HR record |
FilterNIHR |
Artefact filter based in an adaptive threshold |
GenerateEpisodes |
Creates new episodes from old ones |
getNormSpectralUnits |
Normalized Spectral Units |
HRVData |
HRVData |
HRVProcessedData |
HRVProcessedData |
IntegralCorrelation |
Calculates the Integral Correlation |
InterpolateNIHR |
Linear or Spline interpolator for build the sample heart rate signal |
ListEpisodes |
Episodes listing |
LoadApneaWFDB |
Loads apnea episodes for WFDB record |
LoadBeat |
Builds an array of beats positions from different type of files |
LoadBeatAmbit |
Imports data from a record in Suunto Ambit XML format |
LoadBeatAscii |
Builds an array of beats positions from an ascii file |
LoadBeatEDFPlus |
Imports data from a record in EDF+ format |
LoadBeatPolar |
Imports data from a record in Polar format |
LoadBeatRR |
Builds an array of beats positions from an ascii file |
LoadBeatSuunto |
Imports data from a record in Suunto format |
LoadBeatVector |
Loads beats positions from an R vector |
LoadBeatWFDB |
Imports data from a record in WFDB format |
LoadEpisodesAscii |
Loads episodes file |
LoadHeaderWFDB |
Imports header information from a record in wfdb format |
ModifyEpisodes |
Modifies values of episodes |
NonlinearityTests |
Nonlinearity tests |
NonLinearNoiseReduction |
Nonlinear noise reduction |
OverplotEpisodes |
OverplotEpisodes |
PlotCorrDim |
Correlation sum, correlation dimension and generalized correlation dimension (order q >1) |
PlotDFA |
Detrended Fluctuation Analysis |
PlotHR |
Simple plot of interpolated heart rate |
PlotInfDim |
Information dimension of the RR time series |
PlotMaxLyapunov |
Maximum lyapunov exponent |
PlotNIHR |
Simple plot of non-interpolated heart rate |
PlotPowerBand |
Plots power determined by CalculatePowerBand function |
PlotPSD |
Plot Spectral Density Estimation |
PlotSampleEntropy |
Sample Entropy (also known as Kolgomorov-Sinai Entropy) |
PlotSinglePowerBand |
PlotSinglePowerBand |
PlotSpectrogram |
Calculates and Plots spectrogram |
PoincarePlot |
Poincare Plot |
ReadFromFile |
Reads data structure from file |
RecurrencePlot |
Recurrence Plot |
RemoveEpisodes |
Remove episodes by indexes or tags |
RHRV: An R-based software package for the heart rate variability analysis of ECG recordings |
Recurrence Quantification Analysis (RQA) |
SetVerbose |
Sets verbose mode on or off |
SplitHRbyEpisodes |
Splits Heart Rate Data using Episodes information |
SplitPowerBandByEpisodes |
Splits Power Per Band using Episodes information |
SurrogateTest |
Surrogate data testing |
Window |
Time windows of RR intervals |
WriteToFile |
Writes data structure to a file |