RFLPdist {RFLPtools} | R Documentation |
Compute distances for RFLP data.
Within each group containing RFLP-samples exhibiting a equal number of bands, the distance between the molecular weights is computed.
RFLPdist(x, distfun = dist, nrBands, LOD = 0)
x |
data.frame with RFLP data; see |
distfun |
function computing the distance with default |
nrBands |
if not missing, then only samples with the specified number of bands are considered. |
threshold for low-bp bands. |
For each number of bands the given distance between the molecular weights is computed. The result is a named list of distances where the names correspond to the number of bands which occur in each group.
If nrBands
is specified only samples with this number of bands are considered.
If LOD > 0
is specified, all values below LOD
are removed before the
distances are calculated.
A named list with the distances; see dist
In case nrBands
is not missing, an object of S3 class dist
Fabienne Flessa Fabienne.Flessa@uni-bayreuth.de,
Alexandra Kehl Alexandra.Kehl@uni-tuebingen.de,
Matthias Kohl Matthias.Kohl@stamats.de
Flessa, F., Kehl, A., Kohl, M. Analysing diversity and community structures using PCR-RFLP: a new software application. Molecular Ecology Resources 2013 Jul; 13(4):726-33.
Poussier, Stephane; Trigalet-Demery, Danielle; Vandewalle, Peggy; Goffinet, Bruno; Luisetti, Jacques; Trigalet, Andre. Genetic diversity of Ralstonia solanacearum as assessed by PCR-RFLP of the hrp gene region, AFLP and 16S rRNA sequence analysis, and identification of an African subdivision. Microbiology 2000 146:1679-1692
Matsumoto, Masaru; Furuya, Naruto; Takanami, Yoichi; Matsuyama, Nobuaki. RFLP analysis of the PCR-amplified 28S rDNA in Rhizoctonia solani. Mycoscience 1996 37:351 - 356
See Also
## Euclidean distance
res <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata)
names(res) ## number of bands
RFLPdist(RFLPdata, nrBands = 6)
## Other distances
res1 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "manhattan"))
res2 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = function(x) dist(x, method = "maximum"))
## cut dendrogram at height 50
clust4bd <- hclust(res[[2]])
cgroups50 <- cutree(clust4bd, h=50)
## or
res3 <- RFLPdist(RFLPdata, distfun = corDist)
## hierarchical clustering
par(mfrow = c(2,2))
plot(hclust(res[[1]]), main = "Euclidean distance")
plot(hclust(res1[[1]]), main = "Manhattan distance")
plot(hclust(res2[[1]]), main = "Maximum distance")
plot(hclust(res3[[1]]), main = "Pearson correlation distance")
## Similarity matrix
myCol <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(8, "RdYlGn"))(128)
ord <- order.dendrogram(as.dendrogram(hclust(res[[1]])))
temp <- as.matrix(res[[1]])
simPlot(temp[ord,ord], col = rev(myCol), minVal = 0,
labels = colnames(temp), title = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
## or
levelplot(temp[ord,ord], col.regions = rev(myCol),
at = do.breaks(c(0, max(temp)), 128),
xlab = "", ylab = "",
## Rotate label of x axis
scales = list(x = list(rot = 90)),
main = "(Dis-)Similarity Plot")
## multidimensional scaling
loc <- cmdscale(res[[5]])
x <- loc[,1]
y <- -loc[,2]
plot(x, y, type="n", xlab="", ylab="", xlim = 1.05*range(x), main="Multidemsional scaling")
text(x, y, rownames(loc), cex=0.8)