estimate.mle {REffectivePred}R Documentation

Fit the Model


Estimate the parameters of the model by maximizing the likelihood function (or, rather, by minimizing the negative log likelihood).


  hessian = FALSE,
  H.E = NULL,
  H.W = NULL,
  cases = NULL,
  cfg = NULL,
  ini_params = NULL,
  params_limits = NULL,
  restrictions = NULL,
  restriction.starts = NULL,
  ranges = NULL,
  rt_func = 1,
  silence.errors = FALSE,
  fit.t.pred = NULL,
  param_scale = NULL,
  num.iter = NULL,
  scenario = NULL,
  adj.period = NULL,
  population = NULL,
  rho = NULL,
  serial_mean = serial_mean,
  serial_var = serial_var,
  lt = NULL,
  window_size = NULL,
  verbose = FALSE



Logical. If TRUE, computes the variance-covariance matrix at the MLE.


Mobility metrics for category Retail & Entertainment. Currently unsupported.


Mobility metrics for category Workplaces. Currently unsupported.


Vector of case counts.


The object that contains all variables from the configuration file. This includes all function arguments except for cases, hessian, H.E, and H.W. All other arguments are overridden if cfg is passed to the method.


Initial parameter values to be used in optimization. Includes the following sets of parameters in a vector, in this order:

  • (a1,a2,a3,a4) = parameters for curve c() specified by rt_func;

  • nu = loss of immunity rate;

  • (v2,v3,v4,v5) = transmissibility of variants in waves 2+, as relative multiplication factors compared to transmissibility in wave 1;

  • (psi1,psi2,psi3,psi4) = psi parameters for severity levels 1,2,3 and 4.

  • (u,v) = variance parameters. Only u is currently in use.

  • (beta0,beta.R,beta.E,beta.W), when restrictions = NULL. Currently unsupported.


Boundaries/limits of the ini_params.


A numeric integer vector giving the severity of restrictions. Zero means no restriction, and higher numbers means greater severity/disruption. The ordered unique values should be consecutive integers starting from zero. Each number (other than 0) adds a new parameter to the fit. restrictions = NULL causes the function to use mobility data instead of the psi values (currently unsupported).


A vector of same length as restrictions, of times when restrictions came into effect. Note: the first index time should be 1.


An vector of time ranges for the different waves. The waves ranges should be contiguous, with at least one unit of time between consecutive waves.


The parametric form of function c(). Options are listed under function c_helper.


Logical. If TRUE, ignores certain errors to allow optimization to proceed. Not all errors can be ignored.


Time from which prediction is done. If use.actual.not.predicted is TRUE, values of StS_t before this time will be computed using actual counts.


Parameter scale. Passed as argument parscale to optim.


Maximum number of iterations. Passed as argument maxit to optim.


A character string describing options to deal with restrictions. Currently unsupported.


Delays in society adjusting.


total population size.


A vector of under-reporting rates of the same length as cases. If a scalar is supplied, the vector will be constant with this value.


Mean of the serial interval on the log scale.


Variance of the serial interval on the log scale.


The length of cases.


The maximum value for the serial interval.


Logical. If TRUE, provides additional details while running the function.


A list of maximum likelihood estimates of the parameters. Includes:


## Read in the data
path_to_data <- system.file("extdata/NY_OCT_4_2022.csv", package = "REffectivePred")
data <- read.csv(path_to_data)
cases <- diff(c(0, data$cases)) # Convert cumulative cases into daily cases
lt <- length(cases)             # Length of cases
Time <- as.Date(data$date, tryFormats = c("%d-%m-%Y", "%d/%m/%Y"))

navigate_to_config() # Open the config file, make any necessary changes here.
path_to_config <- system.file("config.yml", package = "REffectivePred")  # Read config file
cfg <- load_config()    # Build the cfg object

##### Option 1: populate the global environment with args to pass to function.
population <- cfg$population # Population size
window_size <- cfg$window.size
adj.period <- cfg$adj.period
fit.t.pred <- cfg$fit.t.pred # Time of prediction
not.predict <- cfg$not.predict
rt.func.num <- cfg$rt.func.num # choose which Rt function you want to use
num.iter <- cfg$num.iter
silence.errors <- cfg$silence.errors
predict.beyond <- cfg$predict.beyond
curve_params <- as.double(unlist(cfg$curve_params))
vt_params <- as.double(unlist(cfg$vt_params)) # The vt initial values, starting at wave 2
restriction_levels <- as.double(unlist(cfg$restriction_levels)) # Psi, u, and v parameters
betas <- as.double(unlist(cfg$betas)) #   betas
ini_params <- c(curve_params, vt_params, restriction_levels, betas)
restrictions_params <- cfg$restrictions_params
restriction_st_params <- cfg$restriction_st_params
param_scale <- abs(ini_params) / 10
waves_list <- ranges_to_waves(cfg$waves_list)
params_limits <- cfg$params_limits
num_waves <- cfg$num_waves
waves <- waves_1d_list(num_waves, waves_list)
rho <- eval(parse(text = cfg$rho))
serial_mean <- cfg$serial_mean
serial_var <- cfg$serial_var

est <- estimate.mle(
  ini_params = ini_params,
  params_limits = params_limits,
  restrictions = restrictions_params,
  restriction.starts = restriction_st_params,
  ranges = waves,
  rt_func = rt.func.num,
  silence.errors = silence.errors,

  fit.t.pred = fit.t.pred,
  param_scale = param_scale,
  num.iter = num.iter,
  cases = cases,
  scenario = NULL,
  H.E = NULL,
  H.W = NULL,
  adj.period = adj.period,
  population = population,
  rho = rho,
  serial_mean = serial_mean,
  serial_var = serial_var,
  lt = lt,
  window_size = window_size,
  hessian = FALSE

##### Option 2: pass the cfg object instead.
est <- estimate.mle(
    cases = cases,
    cfg = cfg,
    hessian = FALSE

[Package REffectivePred version 1.0.0 Index]