RCzechia-package {RCzechia}R Documentation

RCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic


A selection of spatial objects relevant to the Czech Republic. Due to CRAN package size requirements (5 MB) the objects are stored externally (on Amazon S3) - and therefore could not be implemented as datasets. They are functions returning data frames instead.


To save time (and bandwidth) the downloaded objects are saved locally in tempdir directory when requested, and downloaded at most once per R session; out of respect to CRAN Repository Policy a more permanent caching on user's side is not attempted by default – but it can be actively introduced by the user either via a RCzechia::set_home() call or by setting the value of RCZECHIA_HOME environment variable directly, either using a Sys.setenv() call or via editing the .Renviron file.

This means that:

For the most frequently used objects - republika, kraje and okresy - a low resolution version is also implemented. The low resolution data sets are stored locally (and working internet connection is not necessary to use them).

All objects are implemented as sf data frames.

Data overview & download sizes

Utility functions

In addition the following utility functions are implemented to support spatial workflow:


Maintainer: Jindra Lacko jindra.lacko@gmail.com (ORCID)

Other contributors:


Lacko J (2023). “RCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic.” Journal of Open Source Software, 8(83). doi:10.21105/joss.05082, https://joss.theoj.org/papers/10.21105/joss.05082.

See Also

Useful links:

[Package RCzechia version 1.12.2 Index]