RCzechia-package |
RCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic |
casti |
City Districts |
chr_uzemi |
Protected Natural Areas |
geocode |
Geocode a Czech Address |
geomorfo |
Geomorphological division of the Czech Republic |
historie |
Historical censuses of the Czech Republic |
katastry |
Cadastral Areas |
KFME_grid |
KFME grid cells (faunistické čtverce) of the Czech Republic |
kraje |
Regions (kraje) of the Czech Republic |
lesy |
Woodland Areas |
obce_body |
Municipalities / communes (obce) as centerpoints |
obce_polygony |
Municipalities / communes (obce) as polygons |
okresy |
Districts (okresy) |
orp_polygony |
Obce s rozsirenou pusobnosti |
plochy |
Water Bodies |
RCzechia |
RCzechia: Spatial Objects of the Czech Republic |
reky |
Rivers |
republika |
Republika |
revgeo |
Reversely Geocode a Czech Address |
senat_obvody |
Senate Districts (Volební obvod pro volby do Senátu) of the Czech Republic |
set_home |
Set the local cache directory |
silnice |
Road Network |
unset_home |
Unset the local cache directory |
volebni_okrsky |
Election Districts (Volební okrsky) of the Czech Republic |
vyskopis |
Vyskopis |
zeleznice |
Railroad Network |
zip_codes |
ZIP Codes of the Czech Republic |