Post-Processing of the Markov Chain Simulated by ChronoModel or Oxcal

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Documentation for package ‘RChronoModel’ version 0.4

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CreateMinMaxGroup Constructing the minimum and the maximum for a group of dates(phase)
CredibleInterval Bayesian credible interval
DatesHiatus Test for the existence of a hiatus between two parameters
Events Events
ImportCSV Importing a CSV file containing the output of the MCMC algorithm
MarginalPlot Plot of a marginal posterior density
MarginalProba Bayesian test for anteriority / posteriority between two parameters
MarginalStatistics Marginal summary statistics
MultiCredibleInterval Bayesian credible intervals for a series of dates
MultiDatesPlot Plot of the endpoints of credible intervals or HPD intervals of a series of dates
MultiHPD Bayesian highest posterior density regions for a series of MCMC chains
MultiPhasePlot Plot of the marginal posterior densities of several phases
MultiPhasesGap Gap/Hiatus between a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
MultiPhasesTransition Transition range for a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
MultiPhaseTimeRange Phase Time Range for multiple phases
MultiSuccessionPlot Successive Phases Density Plots (for phases in temporal order constraint)
PhaseDurationPlot Plot of the marginal posterior densities of the duration of a phase
PhasePlot Plot of the marginal posterior densities of a phase
Phases Phases
PhasesGap Gap or Hiatus between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
PhaseStatistics Summary statistics for a phase
PhasesTransition Transition range between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
PhaseTimeRange Phase Time Range
SuccessionPlot Density Plots of two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint)
TempoActivityPlot Plot of the activity of events
TempoPlot Plot of the occurence of events