CreateMinMaxGroup | Constructing the minimum and the maximum for a group of dates(phase) |
CredibleInterval | Bayesian credible interval |
DatesHiatus | Test for the existence of a hiatus between two parameters |
Events | Events |
ImportCSV | Importing a CSV file containing the output of the MCMC algorithm |
MarginalPlot | Plot of a marginal posterior density |
MarginalProba | Bayesian test for anteriority / posteriority between two parameters |
MarginalStatistics | Marginal summary statistics |
MultiCredibleInterval | Bayesian credible intervals for a series of dates |
MultiDatesPlot | Plot of the endpoints of credible intervals or HPD intervals of a series of dates |
MultiHPD | Bayesian highest posterior density regions for a series of MCMC chains |
MultiPhasePlot | Plot of the marginal posterior densities of several phases |
MultiPhasesGap | Gap/Hiatus between a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
MultiPhasesTransition | Transition range for a succession of phases (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
MultiPhaseTimeRange | Phase Time Range for multiple phases |
MultiSuccessionPlot | Successive Phases Density Plots (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
PhaseDurationPlot | Plot of the marginal posterior densities of the duration of a phase |
PhasePlot | Plot of the marginal posterior densities of a phase |
Phases | Phases |
PhasesGap | Gap or Hiatus between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
PhaseStatistics | Summary statistics for a phase |
PhasesTransition | Transition range between two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
PhaseTimeRange | Phase Time Range |
SuccessionPlot | Density Plots of two successive phases (for phases in temporal order constraint) |
TempoActivityPlot | Plot of the activity of events |
TempoPlot | Plot of the occurence of events |