RAMpath-package |
RAMpath for SEM analysis |
ex1 |
Example data set 1 |
ex2 |
Example data set 2 |
ex3 |
Example data set 3 |
isNumeric |
Is the input a numeric variable |
lavaan2ram |
Convert lavaan output to RAM matrices |
makeBridgeList |
Generate all bridges |
makePathList |
Make a list of effects |
makeSpanList |
Make a list of spans |
plot |
Plot the path diagram according to RAM path and bridges or Plot the vector field for the bivariate latent change score model |
plot.blcs |
Plot the path diagram according to RAM path and bridges or Plot the vector field for the bivariate latent change score model |
plot.lcs.power |
Plot the power curve for each specified parameter |
plot.RAMpath |
Plot the path diagram according to RAM path and bridges or Plot the vector field for the bivariate latent change score model |
powerBLCS |
Power analysis for bivariate latent change score models |
powerLCS |
Power analysis for univariate latent change score models |
ram2lavaan |
RAM model to lavaan model |
ramBLCS |
Conduct bivariate latent change score analysis |
ramEffectSE |
Sobel standard error for a given effect |
ramFit |
Fit a model using lavaan based on ram input |
ramFlip |
Flip the ram path |
ramIndex |
To be added |
ramLCM |
Conduct growth curve analysis |
ramLCS |
Univariate latent change score model |
ramMatrix |
Generate ram matrices based on ram input |
ramParseLavaan |
lavaan to ram |
RAMpath |
RAMpath for SEM analysis |
ramPathBridge |
Generate path and bridges |
ramReFit |
Refit a model with additional paths |
ramRmOne |
Internal function |
ramShowModel |
Show the model using Lavvan model syntax |
ramUniquePath |
Get the uniques paths |
ramVF |
Generate a vector field plot based on the bivariate lcsm |
summary |
Calculate the total and individual contribution for each path and bridge |
summary.RAMpath |
Calculate the total and individual contribution for each path and bridge |