xc {R2MLwiN} | R Documentation |
Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
A dataset of examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland, in which the secondary school the pupil attended is cross-classified by the primary school the pupil attended.
A data frame with 3435 observations on the following 11 variables:
- vrq
A verbal reasoning score resulting from tests pupils took when they entered secondary school.
- attain
Attainment score of pupils at age sixteen.
- pid
Primary school identifying code.
- sex
Pupils' gender: a factor with levels
.- sc
Pupils' social class (scaled from low to high).
- sid
Secondary school identifying code.
- fed
Fathers' education.
- choice
Choice number of secondary school attended (where 1 is first choice, etc.)
- med
Mothers' education.
- cons
A column of ones. If included as an explanatory variable in a regression model (e.g. in MLwiN), its coefficient is the intercept.
- pupil
Pupil identifying code.
The xc
dataset is one of the sample datasets provided with the
multilevel-modelling software package MLwiN (Rasbash et al., 2009), analysed
by Paterson (1991). The data are cross-classified in that not all children
who attended the same primary school subsequently entered the same secondary
school. See also Rasbash et al. (2012).
Paterson, L. (1991) Socio economic status and educational attainment: a multidimensional and multilevel study. Evaluation and Research in Education, 5, 97-121. Rasbash, J., Charlton, C., Browne, W.J., Healy, M. and Cameron, B. (2009) MLwiN Version 2.1. Centre for Multilevel Modelling, University of Bristol. Rasbash, J., Steele, F., Browne, W.J., Goldstein, H. (2012) A User's Guide to MLwiN v2.26. University of Bristol: Centre for Multilevel Modelling.
See Also
See mlmRev
package for an alternative format of the same
## Not run:
data(xc, package = "R2MLwiN")
(mymodel <- runMLwiN(attain ~ 1 + (1 | sid) + (1 | pid) + (1 | pupil),
estoptions = list(xc = TRUE, EstM = 1), data = xc))
## End(Not run)