Running 'MLwiN' from Within R

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Documentation for package ‘R2MLwiN’ version 0.8-9

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alevchem Chemistry A-level results from one exam board
augment.mlwinfitIGLS Augment data frame with information derived from the model fit (broom package).
augment.mlwinfitMCMC Augment data frame with information derived from the model fit (broom package).
bang Sub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey (see Huq & Cleveland, 1990)
bang1 Sub-sample from the 1989 Bangladesh Fertility Survey
BD Calculates Brooks-Draper diagnostic
bes83 Subsample from British Election Study, '83.
caterpillar Draws a caterpillar plot (in MLwiN style).
caterpillarR Draws caterpillar plots of the residuals from a mlwinfitIGLS-class or mlwinfitMCMC-class object, at a chosen level of the multilevel model.
coef-method Extract the coefficient vector from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
coef-method Extract the coefficient vector from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
coef.mlwinfitIGLS Extract the coefficient vector from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
coef.mlwinfitMCMC Extract the coefficient vector from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
cvd Data from the 1998 Scottish Health Survey on cardiovascular disease status of 8804 respondents
deviance.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the deviance from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
df.residual.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the residual degrees-of-freedom extracted from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
df2matrix Translates a data.frame, formatted for use in multiple membership modelling in MLwiN, to a matrix.
diag1 Examination dataset
double2singlePrecision Converts numerical values from double precision to single precision.
extract-method Extract coefficients and GOF measures from a statistical object (texreg package).
extract-method Extract coefficients and GOF measures from a statistical object.
fitted.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the fitted values from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
fitted.mlwinfitMCMC Returns the fitted values from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects.
formula.mlwinfitIGLS "mlwinfitIGLS" model formula
formula.mlwinfitMCMC "mlwinfitMCMC" model formula
Formula.translate An internal function to translate an R formula into an R list object.
Formula.translate.compat An internal function, allowing back-compatibility, which translates a model formula from a formula object or character string into an R list object.
fysio Data on physiotherapy referrals from 100 general practices in the Netherlands, collected in 1987
gcsecomp1 Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989); complete cases only.
gcsemv1 Pupils' marks from GCSE exams (UK, 1989).
getSummary.mlwinfitIGLS Extract coefficients and GOF measures from a statistical object (memisc package).
getSummary.mlwinfitMCMC Extract coefficients and GOF measures from a statistical object (memisc package).
glance.mlwinfitIGLS Extract GOF measures from a statistical object (broom package).
glance.mlwinfitMCMC Extract GOF measures from a statistical object (broom package).
height Height data.
hungary1 Hungarian component of 2nd International Science Survey, '84; see Goldstein 2003
jspmix1 Dataset of pupils' test scores, a subset of the Junior School Project.
lips1 Lips data
lmdp Details of deaths from all causes in England and Wales 1972-1992, taken from the local mortality datapack
logLik-method Returns the log-likelihood from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
logLik.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the log-likelihood from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
matrix2df For multiple membership models, translates matrix into a data.frame formatted for MLwiN Translates a 'matrix' into a form usable by MLwiN for multiple membership models, namely a 'data.frame' with (a) columns containing membership IDs (if first row matrix is '0 1 1 0 1 1', then first row of generated ID vectors would be, say, '2, 3, 5, 6') and (b) columns containing weights (in this example, if 'standardise = TRUE', then first row of generated weight vectors would be, say, '0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25', otherwise first row of generated weight vectors would be, say, '1, 1, 1, 1').
MCSE Calculates the estimated Monte Carlo standard error (MCSE)
mlwin2bugs This function captures output files from MLwiN for estimation in WinBUGS/OpenBUGS.
mlwinfitIGLS-class An S4 class that stores the outputs of the fitted IGLS model.
mlwinfitMCMC-class An S4 class that stores the outputs of the fitted MCMC model.
mmmec EC data on UV radiation exposure & malignant melanoma.
nobs.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the number of used observations from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
nobs.mlwinfitMCMC Returns the number of used observations from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects.
predCurves Draws predicted curves (lines) using estimates from the fixed part of a fitted model.
predict.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the predicted data from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
predict.mlwinfitMCMC Returns the predicted data from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects.
predLines Draws predicted lines using a fitted model object
print.mlwinfitIGLS Summarize "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
print.mlwinfitMCMC Summarize "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
prior2macro Translates informative prior information into a concise MLwiN macro.
rats Weights of 30 rats, measured weekly over 5 weeks.
reading1 Students' reading attainment in inner London infant schools.
residuals.mlwinfitIGLS Returns the residual data from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects.
residuals.mlwinfitMCMC Returns the residual data from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects.
runMLwiN Calls MLwiN from R.
show-method Show objects of class "mlwinfitIGLS"
show-method Show objects of class "mlwinfitMCMC"
show.mlwinfitIGLS Summarize "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
show.mlwinfitMCMC Summarize "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
sixway Draws a sixway plot of MCMC diagnostics.
summary-method Summarize "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
summary-method Summarize "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
summary.mlwinfitIGLS Summarize "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
summary.mlwinfitMCMC Summarize "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
tidy.mlwinfitIGLS Summarises information about the components of a model from a statistical object (broom package).
tidy.mlwinfitMCMC Summarises information about the components of a model from a statistical object (broom package).
trajectories Plots MCMC chain trajectories
tutorial Exam results for six inner London Education Authorities
Untoggle Converts a categorical variable into several separate binary variables
update-method Update "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
update-method Update "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
update.mlwinfitIGLS Update "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
update.mlwinfitMCMC Update "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
vcov-method Extract the approximate variance-covariance matrix from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
vcov-method Extract the approximate variance-covariance matrix from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
vcov.mlwinfitIGLS Extract the approximate variance-covariance matrix from "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
vcov.mlwinfitMCMC Extract the approximate variance-covariance matrix from "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
wage1 Simulated dataset of office workers' salary and other employment details.
write.IGLS Writes MLwiN macros to fit models using the iterative generalized least squares (IGLS) algorithm.
write.MCMC Writes MLwiN macros to fit models using Markov chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) methods
ws2foreign Converts data from one format to another within MLwiN
xc Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
xc1 Examination scores of 16-year olds in Fife, Scotland.
[-method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
[-method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
[<--method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
[<--method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
[[-method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
[[-method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitMCMC" objects
[[<--method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitIGLS" objects
[[<--method Extract or Replace parts of "mlwinfitMCMC" objects