Estimation of R0 and Real-Time Reproduction Number from Epidemics

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Documentation for package ‘R0’ version 1.3-1

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est.GT Estimate generation time distribution
estimate.R Estimate reproduction number (R0 or Rt) for one incidence dataset using available methods
generation.time Generation Time distribution
Germany.1918 Germany 1918 dataset
GT.chld.hsld 2009 A/H1N1 observed generation time distribution
H1N1.serial.interval H1N1 serial interval
impute.incid Impute censored cases to rebuild longer epidemic vector Audit input data for common issues
integrity.checks Integrity checks for input parameters
sa.GT Sensitivity of R0 to varying generation time distributions
sa.time Sensitivity of R0 to time estimation windows
sensitivity.analysis Sensitivity analysis of basic reproduction ratio to begin/end dates
sim.epid Epidemic outbreak simulation
sim.epid.indiv Influenza-like illness simulation (individual-based model)
smooth.Rt Smooth real-time reproduction number over larger time periods