QGglmm-package {QGglmm}R Documentation

Estimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised Linear Mixed Models


Compute various quantitative genetics parameters from a Generalised Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) estimates. Especially, it yields the observed phenotypic mean, phenotypic variance and additive genetic variance.



Package: QGglmm
Type: Package
Title: Estimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from Generalised Linear Mixed Models
Version: 0.7.4
Date: 2020-01-03
Author: Pierre de Villemereuil <bonamy@horus.ens.fr>
Maintainer: Pierre de Villemereuil <bonamy@horus.ens.fr>
BugReports: https://github.com/devillemereuil/qgglmm/issues
Description: Compute various quantitative genetics parameters from a Generalised Linear Mixed Model (GLMM) estimates. Especially, it yields the observed phenotypic mean, phenotypic variance and additive genetic variance.
Imports: cubature (>= 1.4)
License: GPL-2

Index of help topics:

QGglmm-package          Estimate Quantitative Genetics Parameters from
                        Generalised Linear Mixed Models
QGicc                   Intra - Class Correlation coefficients (ICC) on
                        the observed data scale
QGlink.funcs            List of functions according to a distribution
                        and a link function
QGmean                  Compute the phenotypic mean on the observed
QGmvicc                 Intra - Class Correlation coefficients (ICC) on
                        the observed data scale (multivariate
QGmvmean                Compute the multivariate phenotypic mean on the
                        observed scale
QGmvparams              Quantitative Genetics parameters from GLMM
                        estimates (multivariate analysis).
QGmvpred                Predict the evolutionary response to selection
                        on the observed scale
QGmvpsi                 Compute a multivariate "Psi" (used to compute
                        the additive genetic variance on the observed
QGparams                Quantitative Genetics parameters from GLMM
QGpred                  Predict the evolutionary response to selection
                        on the observed scale
QGpsi                   Compute "Psi" (used to compute the additive
                        genetic variance on the observed scale).
QGvar.dist              Compute the distribution variance
QGvar.exp               Compute the variance of expected values (i.e.
                        the latent values after inverse-link
QGvcov                  Compute the phenotypic variance-covariance
                        matrix on the observed / expected scale

This package gives the values on the observed scale for several quantitative genetics parameter using estimates from a Generalised Linear Mixed Model (GLMM). If a fitness function is assumed or measured, it also predicts the evolutionary response to selection on the observed scale.

The two main functions of this package are QGparams and QGpred. The first allows to compute the quantitative genetics parameters on the observed scale for any given GLMM and its estimates. The second allows to compute a predicted response to evolution on the observed scale using GLMM estimates and an assumed/measured/inferred fitness function.

For some distribution/link models (e.g. Binomial/probit and Poisson and Negative Binomial with logartihm or square-root link), a closed form solutions of the integrals computed by this package are available. They are automatially used by QGparams and this function only.


Pierre de Villemereuil <bonamy@horus.ens.fr>

Maintainer: Pierre de Villemereuil <bonamy@horus.ens.fr>


de Villemereuil, P., Schielzeth, H., Nakagawa, S., and Morrissey, M.B. (2016). General methods for evolutionary quantitative genetic inference from generalised mixed models. Genetics 204, 1281-1294.

[Package QGglmm version 0.7.4 Index]