Xplot {QCA}R Documentation

Display the distribution of points for a single condition


This function creates a plot for a single vector of numerical values, arranging them horizontally on the X axis from minimum to maximum.


Xplot(x, jitter = FALSE, at = pretty(x), ...)



A numeric vector.


Logical, vertically jitter the points.


The points at which tick-marks are to be drawn. Non-finite (infinite, NaN or NA) values are omitted. By default, tickmark locations are automatically computed, see the help file for ?pretty.


Other graphical parameters from ?par


This is a special type of (scatter)plot, with points being arranged only on the horizontal axis (it has no vertical axis). Useful when inspecting if points are grouped into naturally occuring clusters, mainly for crisp calibration purposes.

The argument ... is used to pass arguments to the various graphical parameters from ?par, and also to the settings from ?jitter.

The points have a default cex (character expansion) value of 1, and a default pch value of 1 (empty points), which can be modified accordingly (for instance value 21 for filled points). When pch = 21, the color for the margins of the points can be specified via the argument col, while the argument bg will determine the fill color of the points.

The axis labels have a default cex.axis value of 0.8, which affects both the tickmarks labels and the axis labels.

When jittering the points, default values of 0.5 are used for the parameters factor and amount, on the horizontal axis. More details can be found in the base function jitter().

Although the points are displayed in a single dimension, on the horizontal axis, the R graphical window will still have the default squared shape, with a lot of empty space on the vertical axis. Users are free to create their custom code to determine the size of the graphics window, or simply resize it to a suitable height.


Adrian Dusa

See Also

par, text, jitter


# Lipset's raw data
# plot the DEV (level of developent) causal condition

# jitter the points vertically
Xplot(LR$DEV, jitter = TRUE)

# clip plotting between the range of min and max
Xplot(LR$DEV, jitter = TRUE, at = range(LR$DEV))

[Package QCA version 3.22 Index]