Qualitative Comparative Analysis

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Documentation for package ‘QCA’ version 3.22

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QCA-package QCA: A Package for Qualitative Comparative Analysis
allExpressions Functions Related to the Implicant Matrix
calibrate Calibrate raw data to crisp or fuzzy sets
causalChain Perform CNA - coincidence analysis using QCA
complexity Number of combinations at a given complexity layer
createMatrix Functions Related to the Implicant Matrix
CVF Ethnic protest in Europe
CVR Ethnic protest in Europe
eqmcc Minimize a truth table
findmin Create and solve a prime implicants chart
findRows Find untenable configurations
findSubsets Functions to find subsets or supersets
findSupersets Functions to find subsets or supersets
findTh Find calibration thresholds
fuzzyand Logical operations
fuzzyor Logical operations
generate Generate a custom data structure
getRow Functions Related to the Implicant Matrix
HC Time-Difference
LC Lipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the inter-war period.
LF Lipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the inter-war period.
LM Lipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the inter-war period.
LR Lipset's indicators for the survival of democracy during the inter-war period.
makeChart Create and solve a prime implicants chart
minimize Minimize a truth table
modelFit Theory evaluation
NF Class voting in post-World War era
pof Calculate parameters of fit
pofind Calculate parameters of fit
retention Compute the retention probability of a csQCA solution
RS University recognition of a graduate student union
runGUI run the GUI shiny app for the QCA package
solveChart Create and solve a prime implicants chart
superSubset Functions to find subsets or supersets
truthTable Create a truth table
Xplot Display the distribution of points for a single condition
XYplot Create an XY plot
_Legacy datasets Legacy datasets