varls {ProcMod}R Documentation

Procrustean Correlation, and Variance / Covariance Matrices.


varls, corls compute the procrustean variance / covariance, or correlation matrices between a set of real matrices and dist objects.


varls(..., nrand = 100, p_adjust_method = "holm")

corls(..., nrand = 100, p_adjust_method = "holm")



the set of matrices or a procmod_frame object.


number of randomisation used to estimate the mean covariance observed between two random matrix. If rand is NULL or equal to 0, no correction is estimated and the raw procrustean covariances are estimated.


the multiple test correction method used to adjust p values. p_adjust_method belongsone of the folowing values: "holm", "hochberg", "hommel", "bonferroni", "BH", "BY", "fdr", "none". The default is,set to "holm".


Procrustean covariance between two matrices X and Y, is defined as the sum of the singular values of the X'Y matrix (Gower 1971; Lingoes and Schönemann 1974). Both the X and Y matrices must have the same number of rows.

The variances and covariances and correlations are corrected to avoid over fitting (Coissac and Gonindard-Melodelima 2019).

The inputs must be numeric matrices or dist object. The set of input matrices can be aggregated un a procmod_frame.

Before computing the coefficients, matrices are projected into an orthogonal space using the ortho function.

The denominator n - 1 is used which gives an unbiased estimator of the (co)variance for i.i.d. observations.


a procmod_varls object which corresponds to a numeric matrix annotated by several attributes.

The following attribute is always added:

- nrand an integer value indicating the number of randomisations used to estimate the mean of the random covariance.

When nrand is greater than 0 a couple of attributes is added:

- rcovls a numeric matrix containing the estimation of the mean of the random covariance.

- p.value a numeric matrix containing the estimations of the p.values of tests checking that the observed covariance is larger than the mean of the random covariance. p.values are corrected for multiple tests according to the method specified by the p_adjust_method parameter.


Eric Coissac

Christelle Gonindard-Melodelima


Gower JC (1971). “Statistical methods of comparing different multivariate analyses of the same data.” Mathematics in the archaeological and historical sciences, 138–149.

Lingoes JC, Schönemann PH (1974). “Alternative measures of fit for the Schönemann-carroll matrix fitting algorithm.” Psychometrika, 39(4), 423–427.

Coissac E, Gonindard-Melodelima C (2019). “Assessing the shared variation among high-dimensional data matrices: a modified version of the Procrustean correlation coefficient.” in prep.

See Also



# Build Three matrices of 3 rows.
A <- simulate_matrix(10,3)
B <- simulate_matrix(10,5)
C <- simulate_correlation(B,10,r2=0.6)

# Computes the variance covariance matrix
varls(A = A, B = B, C = C)

data = procmod_frame(A = A, B = B, C = C)

# Computes the correlation matrix
corls(data, nrand = 100)

[Package ProcMod version 1.0.8 Index]