animation_ratings |
Movie Ratings |
arm_height |
Arm span and height measurements |
bar_plot |
Bar plot of numeric or character data |
batting_2018 |
Batting Statistics for 2018 Season |
bayesian_crank |
Computes Posterior Probabilities for Discrete Models |
BBS_survey |
Trend Estimates of Bird Populations |
beta_area |
Displays Areas Under a Beta Curve |
beta_data |
Simulate random data from a beta curve |
beta_draw |
Draw a Beta Curve |
beta_interval |
Probability Interval for a Beta Curve |
beta_prior_post |
Plot of Two Beta Curves |
beta_quantile |
Displays a Quantile of a Beta Curve |
book_stats |
Text Statistics for Books |
buffalo_jan |
Buffalo snowfall data |
career_1978 |
Career Trajectory Data for Baseball Players |
centertitle |
Centers title in a ggplot2 graphic |
CEsample |
Expeditures of U.S. Households |
ChooseBeta |
Shiny App to Choose a Beta Curve |
ComputerPriceSample |
Personal Computer Data |
Cowles |
Personality and Volunteering |
DeathHeartAttackDataNYCfull |
Risk-adjusted mortality outcomes for all NYC hospitals |
DeathHeartAttackManhattan |
Risk-adjusted mortality outcomes for Manhattan hospitals |
draw_two_p |
Plot of Distribution of Two Proportions |
dsampling |
Hypergeometric sampling density |
dspinner |
Computes likelihoods for spinner outcomes |
electricbills |
Electricity Bills |
federalist_word_study |
Frequency use of words for Federalist Papers |
federer_time_to_serve |
Times to Serve for Roger Federer |
fire_calls |
Fire Calls for Zip Code Areas |
football_field_goals |
Football Field Goals Dataset |
gas2017 |
Gas bill data |
gibbs_betabin |
Gibbs sampling of the beta-binomial distribution |
gibbs_discrete |
Gibbs sampling of a bivariate discrete distribution |
gibbs_normal |
Gibbs sampling of the normal sampling posterior |
GradSchoolAdmission |
Graduate School Admission |
Hamilton_can |
Frequency use of "can" for Federalist Papers |
house_prices |
House price data |
HWhours5schools |
Homework Hours for Five Schools |
increasefont |
Increases font size of text |
JAGS_script |
JAGS Script for Common Models |
KDramaData |
Korean Drama Ratings |
LaborParticipation |
U.S. Women Labor Participation |
Madison_can |
Frequency use of "can" for Federalist Papers |
many_normal_plots |
Graph of several normal curves |
many_spinner_plots |
Graphs a collection of spinners |
marriage_counts |
Annual Marriage Counts in Italy |
mcdonalds |
Nutritional data for McDonalds Sandwiches |
metropolis |
Metropolis sampling of a continuous distribution |
movies2017 |
Movies Sales Data |
nba_guards |
Basketball Shooting Data for Point Guards |
normal_area |
Displays Area Under a Normal Curve |
normal_draw |
Draws a Normal Curve |
normal_interval |
Probability Interval for a Normal Curve |
normal_quantile |
Displays a Quantile of a Normal Curve |
normal_update |
Updates a Normal Prior with Normal Data |
olympic_butterfly |
Winning Times in the 100 Meter Butterfly Race |
prior_post_plot |
Graphs prior and posterior probabilities |
prob_plot |
Constructs a graph of a probability distribution |
ProfessorSalary |
Professor Salary Study |
pt100price |
Prices of One Carat Diamonds |
pt99price |
Prices of 0.99 Carat Diamonds |
pythag2018 |
Baseball Win-Loss Records |
random_walk |
Metropolis sampling of a discrete distribution |
ScoreData |
Scores on Achievement Exam |
sleeping_times |
Sleeping Times |
spinner_bayes |
Implements Bayes' rule for a spinner problem |
spinner_data |
Simulate random data from a spinner |
spinner_likelihoods |
Computes likelihood matrix for many spinners |
spinner_plot |
Constructs a spinner |
spinner_probs |
Display probability distribution for a spinner |
taxi_fares |
Taxi Fares |
tennis_serve |
Tennis Times to Serve |
testing_prior |
Testing prior for two proportions |
trout20 |
Mike Trout Statcast Data |
two_players_time_to_serve |
Times to Serve for Two Tennis Players |
two_p_summarize |
Summaries of a probability matrix |
two_p_update |
Posterior updating of two proportions |
web_visits |
Website tracking data |