PTPatternToMODPlug {ProTrackR}R Documentation

Convert PTPattern data into a MODPlug pattern


Use a PTPattern or PTBlock to create a pattern table with a MODPlug flavour.


PTPatternToMODPlug(x, to.clipboard = T)



Either a PTPattern object or a PTBlock object from which an Open MODPlug Tracker pattern should be created.


A logical value, indicating whether the result should be copied to the system's clipboard (TRUE) or should be returned as a vector of characters (FALSE).


The Open MODPlug Tracker ( is a modern music tracker that is for free. It too can handle ProTracker modules. This function assists in moving pattern data from R to Open MPT.


Returns an invisible NULL when argument to.clipboard is set to TRUE. Returns an Open MODPlug Tracker flavoured pattern table as a vector of characters when it is set to FALSE.


Pepijn de Vries

See Also

Other MODPlug.operations: MODPlugToPTPattern()

Other pattern.operations: MODPlugToPTPattern(), PTPattern-class, PTPattern-method, appendPattern(), deletePattern(), pasteBlock(), patternLength(), patternOrderLength(), patternOrder()


## Not run: 
## get some pattern data

pattern <- PTPattern(mod.intro, 1)

## Now create a MODPlug pattern from this.
## The result is placed on the system clipboard.
## You can check by pasting it into a text
## editor, or better yet, the MODPlug Tracker.


## If you want to handle the pattern data
## in R:

patModPlug <- PTPatternToMODPlug(pattern, F)

## We can do the same with a block:

block <- PTBlock(pattern, 1:10, 2:3)

## End(Not run)

[Package ProTrackR version 0.4.3 Index]