Manipulate and Play 'ProTracker' Modules

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Documentation for package ‘ProTrackR’ version 0.4.3

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-- A --

appendPattern Append a PTPattern to a PTModule
appendPattern-method Append a PTPattern to a PTModule
as.character Character representation of ProTrackR objects
as.character-method Character representation of ProTrackR objects
as.raw Extract and replace raw data
as.raw-method Extract and replace raw data
as.raw<- Extract and replace raw data
as.raw<--method Extract and replace raw data

-- C --

clearSamples Clear all samples from module
clearSamples-method Clear all samples from module
clearSong Clear all pattern info from module
clearSong-method Clear all pattern info from module

-- D --

deletePattern Remove a PTPattern table from a PTModule object
deletePattern-method Remove a PTPattern table from a PTModule object

-- E --

effect Extract or replace effect/trigger codes
effect-method Extract or replace effect/trigger codes
effect<- Extract or replace effect/trigger codes
effect<--method Extract or replace effect/trigger codes

-- F --

fineTune Fine tune a PTSample
fineTune-method Fine tune a PTSample
fineTune<- Fine tune a PTSample
fineTune<--method Fine tune a PTSample
fix.PTModule Attempt to fix PTModule to ProTracker specs
fix.PTModule-method Attempt to fix PTModule to ProTracker specs
funk_table ProTracker Funk Table

-- H --

hiNybble Get the high or low nybble of a raw value

-- L --

loNybble Get the high or low nybble of a raw value
loopLength The loop length of a PTSample
loopLength-method The loop length of a PTSample
loopLength<- The loop length of a PTSample
loopLength<--method The loop length of a PTSample
loopSample Looped waveform of a sample
loopSample-method Looped waveform of a sample
loopStart The loop start position of a PTSample
loopStart-method The loop start position of a PTSample
loopStart<- The loop start position of a PTSample
loopStart<--method The loop start position of a PTSample
loopState Get PTSample loop state
loopState-method Get PTSample loop state

-- M --

mod.intro Example of a PTModule object
modArchive ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions
modArchive.max.requests ModArchive helper functions
modArchive.random.pick ModArchive helper functions
modArchive.request.count ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions ModArchive helper functions
modLand ModLand helper functions ModLand helper functions ModLand helper functions
MODPlugToPTPattern Convert MODPlug pattern into a PTPattern object
modToWave Convert a PTModule object into an audio Wave object
modToWave-method Convert a PTModule object into an audio Wave object
moduleSize Get module file size
moduleSize-method Get module file size

-- N --

name Obtain or replace the name of a PTModule or PTSample
name-method Obtain or replace the name of a PTModule or PTSample
name<- Obtain or replace the name of a PTModule or PTSample
name<--method Obtain or replace the name of a PTModule or PTSample
note Extract or replace a note
note-method Extract or replace a note
note<- Extract or replace a note
note<--method Extract or replace a note
noteDown Raise or lower notes and octaves
noteDown-method Raise or lower notes and octaves
noteToPeriod Extract period value for a specific note
noteToSampleRate Calculate the sample rate for a note or period value
noteUp Raise or lower notes and octaves
noteUp-method Raise or lower notes and octaves
nybble Get the high or low nybble of a raw value
nybbleToSignedInt Get signed integer values from nybbles

-- O --

octave Extract or replace an octave
octave-method Extract or replace an octave
octave<- Extract or replace an octave
octave<--method Extract or replace an octave
octaveDown Raise or lower notes and octaves
octaveDown-method Raise or lower notes and octaves
octaveUp Raise or lower notes and octaves
octaveUp-method Raise or lower notes and octaves

-- P --

pasteBlock Paste a block of PTCell data into a PTPattern
pasteBlock-method Paste a block of PTCell data into a PTPattern
patternLength Get the number of PTPattern tables in a PTModule
patternLength-method Get the number of PTPattern tables in a PTModule
patternOrder Get the pattern order table
patternOrder-method Get the pattern order table
patternOrder<- Get the pattern order table
patternOrder<--method Get the pattern order table
patternOrderLength Get the length of the pattern order table
patternOrderLength-method Get the length of the pattern order table
patternOrderLength<- Get the length of the pattern order table
patternOrderLength<--method Get the length of the pattern order table
paula_clock Paula clock table
periodToChar Get the note and octave from period table
periodToSampleRate Calculate the sample rate for a note or period value
period_table ProTracker Period Table
playingtable Generate a table for playing a PTModule object
playingtable-method Generate a table for playing a PTModule object
playMod Play PTModule objects
playMod-method Play PTModule objects
playSample Play audio samples
playSample-method Play audio samples
playWave Play Wave objects
playWave-method Play Wave objects
plot Plot a PTModule object
plot-method Plot a PTModule object
print Print ProTrackR objects
print-method Print ProTrackR objects
proTrackerVibrato Get the vibrato table used by ProTracker
PTBlock Select and copy a range of PTCells into a PTBlock
PTBlock-method Select and copy a range of PTCells into a PTBlock
PTCell The PTCell class
PTCell-class The PTCell class
PTCell-method Coerce to or replace PTCell
PTCell<- Coerce to or replace PTCell
PTCell<--method Coerce to or replace PTCell
PTModule The PTModule class
PTModule-class The PTModule class
PTPattern The PTPattern class
PTPattern-class The PTPattern class
PTPattern-method Coerce to or replace PTPattern
PTPattern<- Coerce to or replace PTPattern
PTPattern<--method Coerce to or replace PTPattern
PTPatternToMODPlug Convert PTPattern data into a MODPlug pattern
PTSample The PTSample class
PTSample-class The PTSample class
PTSample-method Coerce to or replace PTSample
PTSample<- Coerce to or replace PTSample
PTSample<--method Coerce to or replace PTSample
PTTrack The PTTrack class
PTTrack-class The PTTrack class
PTTrack-method Coerce to or replace PTTrack
PTTrack<- Coerce to or replace PTTrack
PTTrack<--method Coerce to or replace PTTrack

-- R --

rawToCharNull Convert raw vectors into a character string
rawToPTModule Convert a vector of raw data into a PTModule object
rawToPTModule-method Convert a vector of raw data into a PTModule object
rawToSignedInt Convert a raw vector into signed integers (short)
rawToUnsignedInt Convert raw vector into a single unsigned integer value
read.module Read a ProTracker module file
read.module-method Read a ProTracker module file
read.sample Read an audio file and coerce to a PTSample object
read.sample-method Read an audio file and coerce to a PTSample object
resample Resample data

-- S --

sampleLength Get the length of a PTSample
sampleLength-method Get the length of a PTSample
sampleNumber Extract or replace a sample number
sampleNumber-method Extract or replace a sample number
sampleNumber<- Extract or replace a sample number
sampleNumber<--method Extract or replace a sample number
sampleRate Calculate the sample rate for a note or period value
signedIntToNybble Convert a signed integer to a nybble in raw data.
signedIntToRaw Convert signed integers (short) into a raw vector

-- T --

trackerFlag Tracker flag indicating version compatibility
trackerFlag-method Tracker flag indicating version compatibility
trackerFlag<- Tracker flag indicating version compatibility
trackerFlag<--method Tracker flag indicating version compatibility

-- U --

unsignedIntToRaw Convert unsigned integer into a raw vector

-- V --

volume Default playback volume of PTSample
volume-method Default playback volume of PTSample
volume<- Default playback volume of PTSample
volume<--method Default playback volume of PTSample

-- W --

waveform Extract or replace a PTSample waveform
waveform-method Extract or replace a PTSample waveform
waveform<- Extract or replace a PTSample waveform
waveform<--method Extract or replace a PTSample waveform
write.module Export an PTModule object as a ProTracker module file
write.module-method Export an PTModule object as a ProTracker module file
write.sample Write a PTSample object to an audio file
write.sample-method Write a PTSample object to an audio file