ccdi_fbew {PriceIndices}R Documentation

Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using the FBEW method.


This function returns a value of the multilateral CCDI price index (GEKS based on the Tornqvist formula) extended by using the FBEW (Fixed Base Monthly Expanding Window) method.


ccdi_fbew(data, start, end)



The user's data frame with information about sold products. It must contain columns: time (as Date in format: year-month-day,e.g. '2020-12-01'), prices (as positive numeric), quantities (as positive numeric) and prodID (as numeric, factor or character).


The base period (as character) limited to the year and month, e.g. "2019-12".


The research period (as character) limited to the year and month, e.g. "2020-04".


This function returns a value of the multilateral CCDI price index extended by using the FBEW (Fixed Base Monthly Expanding Window) method. The FBEW method uses a time window with a fixed base month every year (December). The window is enlarged every month with one month in order to include information from a new month. The full window length (13 months) is reached in December of each year. The function measures the price dynamics between periods end and start. The month of the start parameter must be December. If the distance between end and start exceeds 13 months, then internal Decembers play a role of chain-linking months. To get information about both price index values and corresponding dates, please see functions: price_indices or final_index. The function does not take into account aggregating over outlets or product subgroups (to consider these types of aggregating, please use the final_index function).


Caves, D.W., Christensen, L.R. and Diewert, W.E. (1982). Multilateral comparisons of output, input, and productivity using superlative index numbers. Economic Journal 92, 73-86.

Chessa, A.G. (2016). A New Methodology for Processing Scanner Data in the Dutch CPI. Eurona 1/2016, 49-69.


ccdi_fbew(milk, start="2018-12", end="2019-08")

[Package PriceIndices version 0.1.9 Index]