PriceIndices-package | The list of package functions and their demonstration |
agmean | Calculating the bilateral AG Mean price index |
available | Providing values from the indicated column that occur at least once in one of the compared periods or in a given time interval |
banajree | Calculating the bilateral Banajree price index |
bennet | Calculating the Bennet price and quantity indicators |
bialek | Calculating the bilateral Bialek price index |
bmw | Calculating the unweighted BMW price index |
carli | Calculating the unweighted Carli price index |
ccdi | Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Tornqvist formula (typical notation: GEKS-T or CCDI) |
ccdi_fbew | Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using the FBEW method. |
ccdi_fbmw | Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using the FBMW method. |
ccdi_splice | Extending the multilateral CCDI price index by using window splicing methods. |
chagmean | Calculating the monthly chained AG Mean price index |
chbanajree | Calculating the monthly chained Banajree price index |
chbialek | Calculating the monthly chained Bialek price index |
chbmw | Calculating the monthly chained BMW price index |
chcarli | Calculating the monthly chained Carli price index |
chcswd | Calculating the monthly chained CSWD price index |
chdavies | Calculating the monthly chained Davies price index |
chdrobisch | Calculating the monthly chained Drobisch price index |
chdutot | Calculating the monthly chained Dutot price index |
chfisher | Calculating the monthly chained Fisher price index |
chgeary_khamis | Calculating the monthly chained Geary-Khamis price index |
chgeohybrid | Calculating the the monthly chained geohybrid price index |
chgeolaspeyres | Calculating the monthly chained geo-logarithmic Laspeyres price index |
chgeolowe | Calculating the monthly chained geometric Lowe price index |
chgeopaasche | Calculating the monthly chained geo-logarithmic Paasche price index |
chgeoyoung | Calculating the monthly chained geometric Young price index |
chharmonic | Calculating the monthly chained harmonic price index |
chhybrid | Calculating the the monthly chained hybrid price index |
chIQMp | Calculating the monthly chained implicit quadratic mean of order r price index |
chjevons | Calculating the monthly chained Jevons price index |
chlaspeyres | Calculating the monthly chained Laspeyres price index |
chlehr | Calculating the monthly chained Lehr price index |
chlloyd_moulton | Calculating the monthly chained Lloyd-Moulton price index |
chlowe | Calculating the monthly chained Lowe price index |
chmarshall_edgeworth | Calculating the monthly chained Marshall-Edgeworth price index |
chpaasche | Calculating the monthly chained Paasche price index |
chpalgrave | Calculating the monthly chained Palgrave price index |
chQMp | Calculating the monthly chained quadratic mean of order r price index |
chQMq | Calculating the monthly chained quadratic mean of order r quantity index |
chsato_vartia | Calculating the monthly chained Vartia-II (Sato-Vartia) price index |
chstuvel | Calculating the monthly chained Stuvel price index |
chtornqvist | Calculating the monthly chained Tornqvist price index |
chvartia | Calculating the monthly chained Vartia-I price index |
chwalsh | Calculating the monthly chained Walsh price index |
chyoung | Calculating the monthly chained Young price index |
coffee | A real data set on sold coffee |
compare_distances | Calculating distances between price indices |
compare_indices_df | A function for graphical comparison of price indices |
compare_indices_jk | A general function to compare indices by using the jackknife method |
compare_indices_list | A general function for graphical comparison of price indices |
compare_to_target | Calculating distances between considered price indices and the target price index |
cswd | Calculating the unweighted CSWD price index |
dataAGGR | A small artificial scanner data set for a demonstration of data aggregation |
dataCOICOP | A real scanner data set for the product classification |
dataDOWNSIZED | An artificial data set on sold coffee |
dataMATCH | An artificial scanner data set for product matching |
dataU | An artificial, small scanner data set |
data_aggregating | Aggregating the user's data frame |
data_check | Checking the user's data frame |
data_classifying | Predicting product classes via the machine learning model |
data_filtering | Filtering a data set for further price index calculations |
data_imputing | Imputing missing and (optionally) zero prices. |
data_matching | Matching products |
data_norm | Normalization of grammage units and recalculation of prices and quantities with respect to these units |
data_preparing | Preparing a data set for further data processing or price index calculations |
data_reducing | Reducing products |
data_selecting | Selecting products from the user's data set for further price index calculations |
data_unit | Providing information about the grammage and unit of products |
davies | Calculating the bilateral Davies price index |
dissimilarity | Calculating the relative price and/or quantity dissimilarity measure between periods |
dissimilarity_fig | Presenting the relative price and/or quantity dissimilarity measure over time |
drobisch | Calculating the bilateral Drobisch price index |
dutot | Calculating the unweighted Dutot price index |
elasticity | Calculating the elasticity of substitution |
elasticity_fig | Presenting elasticities of substitution for time interval |
expenditures | Providing expenditures of sold products |
final_index | A general function to compute a final price index |
fisher | Calculating the bilateral Fisher price index |
geary_khamis | Calculating the bilateral Geary-Khamis price index |
geks | Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index |
geksaqi | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index |
geksaqi_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksaqi_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksaqi_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQI price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksaqu | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index |
geksaqu_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksaqu_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksaqu_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-AQU price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksgaqi | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index |
geksgaqi_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksgaqi_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksgaqi_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GAQI price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksgl | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-GL price index |
geksgl_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksgl_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksgl_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-GL price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksiqm | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index |
geksiqm_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksiqm_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksiqm_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-IQM price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksj | Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Jevons formula (typical notation: GEKS-J) |
geksj_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksj_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksj_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-J price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksl | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-L price index |
gekslm | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-LM price index |
gekslm_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using the FBEW method. |
gekslm_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using the FBMW method. |
gekslm_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-LM price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksl_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksl_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksl_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-L price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksqm | Calculating the multilateral GEKS-QM price index |
geksqm_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksqm_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksqm_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-QM price index by using window splicing methods. |
geksw | Calculating the multilateral GEKS price index based on the Walsh formula (GEKS-W) |
geksw_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using the FBEW method. |
geksw_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using the FBMW method. |
geksw_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS-W price index by using window splicing methods. |
geks_fbew | Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using the FBEW method. |
geks_fbmw | Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using the FBMW method. |
geks_splice | Extending the multilateral GEKS price index by using window splicing methods. |
generate | Generating an artificial scanner dataset |
generate_CES | Generating an artificial scanner dataset in the CES model |
geohybrid | Calculating the bilateral geohybrid price index |
geolaspeyres | Calculating the bilateral geo-logarithmic Laspeyres price index |
geolowe | Calculating the bilateral geometric Lowe price index |
geopaasche | Calculating the bilateral geo-logarithmic Paasche price index |
geoyoung | Calculating the bilateral geometric Young price index |
gk | Calculating the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index |
gk_fbew | Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using the FBEW method. |
gk_fbmw | Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using the FBMW method. |
gk_splice | Extending the multilateral Geary-Khamis price index by using window splicing methods. |
harmonic | Calculating the unweighted harmonic price index |
hybrid | Calculating the bilateral hybrid price index |
IQMp | Calculating the implicit quadratic mean of order r price index |
jevons | Calculating the unweighted Jevons price index |
laspeyres | Calculating the bilateral Laspeyres price index |
lehr | Calculating the bilateral Lehr price index |
lloyd_moulton | Calculating the bilateral Lloyd-Moulton price index |
load_model | Loading the machine learning model from the disk |
lowe | Calculating the bilateral Lowe price index |
marshall_edgeworth | Calculating the bilateral Marshall-Edgeworth price index |
matched | Providing values from the indicated column that occur simultaneously in the compared periods or in a given time interval. |
matched_fig | Providing a time dependent matched_index() function |
matched_index | Providing the ratio of number of matched values from the indicated column to the number of all available values from this column |
mbennet | Calculating the multilateral Bennet price and quantity indicators |
milk | A real data set on sold milk |
mmontgomery | Calculating the multilateral Montgomery price and quantity indicators |
model_classification | Building the machine learning model for product classification |
montgomery | Calculating the Montgomery price and quantity indicators |
paasche | Calculating the bilateral Paasche price index |
palgrave | Calculating the bilateral Palgrave price index |
pqcor | Providing a correlation coefficient for price and quantity of sold products |
pqcor_fig | Providing correlations between price and quantity of sold products |
PriceIndices | The list of package functions and their demonstration |
prices | Providing prices (unit values) of sold products |
price_indices | A general function to compute one or more price indices |
products | Detecting and summarising available, matched, new and disappearing products. |
products_fig | Function for graphical comparison of available, matched, new as well as disappearing products. |
QMp | Calculating the quadratic mean of order r price index |
QMq | Calculating the quadratic mean of order r quantity index |
QU | Calculating the quality adjusted unit value index (QU index) |
quantities | Providing quantities of sold products |
sales | Providing values of product sales |
sales_groups | Providing information about sales of products from one or more datasets |
sales_groups2 | Providing information about sales of products |
sato_vartia | Calculating the bilateral Vartia-II (Sato-Vartia) price index |
save_model | Saving the machine learning model on the disk |
shrinkflation | Detecting and summarising downsized products. |
SPQ | Calculating the multilateral SPQ price index |
stuvel | Calculating the bilateral Stuvel price index |
sugar | A real data set on sold sugar |
tindex | Calculating theoretical (expected) values of the unweighted price index |
tornqvist | Calculating the bilateral Tornqvist price index |
tpd | Calculating the multilateral TPD price index |
tpd_fbew | Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using the FBEW method. |
tpd_fbmw | Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using the FBMW method. |
tpd_splice | Extending the multilateral TPD price index by using window splicing methods. |
unit_value_index | Calculating the unit value index |
utpd | Calculating the unweighted multilateral TPD price index |
utpd_fbew | Extending the unweighted multilateral TPD price index by using the FBEW method. |
utpd_fbmw | Extending the unweighted multilateral TPD price index by using the FBMW method. |
utpd_splice | Extending the multilateral unweighted TPD price index by using window splicing methods. |
value_index | Calculating the value index |
vartia | Calculating the bilateral Vartia-I price index |
walsh | Calculating the bilateral Walsh price index |
wgeks | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS price index |
wgeksaqi | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQI price index |
wgeksaqi_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeksaqi_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeksaqi_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQI price index by using window splicing methods. |
wgeksaqu | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-AQU price index |
wgeksaqu_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeksaqu_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeksaqu_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-AQU price index by using window splicing methods. |
wgeksgaqi | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-GAQI price index |
wgeksgaqi_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeksgaqi_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeksgaqi_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GAQI price index by using window splicing methods. |
wgeksgl | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-GL price index |
wgeksgl_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeksgl_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeksgl_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-GL price index by using window splicing methods. |
wgeksl | Calculating the multilateral weighted WGEKS-L price index |
wgeksl_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeksl_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeksl_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS-L price index by using window splicing methods. |
wgeks_fbew | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using the FBEW method. |
wgeks_fbmw | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using the FBMW method. |
wgeks_splice | Extending the multilateral weighted GEKS price index by using window splicing methods. |
young | Calculating the bilateral Young price index |