Predictive Approaches in Psychology

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Documentation for package ‘PredPsych’ version 0.4

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PredPsych-package PredPsych.
classifyFun Generic Classification Analyses
ClassPerm Permutation Analysis for classification
DimensionRed Generic Dimensionallity Reduction Function
DTModel Generic Decision Tree Function
fscore f-score
KinData Kinematics Dataset A dataset containing part of the motion capture dataset freely available in the publication (Ansuini et al., 2015).The dataset was obtained by recording 15 naive participants performing reach-to-grasp movements towards two differently sized objects: a small object (i.e., hazelnut) and a large object (i.e., grapefruit). The variables are as follows:
LinearDA Cross-validated Linear Discriminant Analysis
ModelCluster Model based Clustering
overallConfusionMetrics Confusion Matrix metrics for Cross-validation
predictNewData Predict Class membership for New Data
PredPsych PredPsych.