Automatic Shift Detection using a Phylogenetic EM

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Documentation for package ‘PhylogeneticEM’ version 1.7.0

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allocate_regimes_from_shifts Allocation of regimes to nodes.
allocate_shifts_from_regimes Allocation of shifts to edges
check_parsimony Check Parsimony, assuming no homoplasy
clusters_from_shifts Clustering associated to a shift allocation, assuming no homoplasy.
compute_betas_from_shifts Computation of the optimal values at nodes and tips.
compute_dist_phy Phylogenetic Distances
compute_shifts_from_betas Computation of shifts from the vector of optimal values
compute_stationary_variance Compute the stationary variance matrix
compute_times_ca Common Ancestors Times
correspondenceEdges Correspondence between edges numbers
enlight Make the result lighter
enlight.PhyloEM Make the result lighter
enumerate_parsimony Enumerate all the possible regime allocations, given a clustering of the tips.
enumerate_tips_under_edges Tips descendants of nodes.
equivalent_shifts Find all equivalent shifts allocations and values.
estimateEM Perform One EM
extract Extraction function
extract.enumerate_parsimony Extract the result of 'enumerate_parsimony' at a node.
extract.equivalent_shifts Extract the shifts values for one trait.
extract.parsimonyCost Extraction of the actual number of solutions.
extract.parsimonyNumber Extraction of the actual number of solutions.
extract.partitionsNumber Extract from object 'partitionsNumber'
extract.simul_process Extraction of simulated traits
find_grid_alpha Find a reasonable grid for alpha
find_rotation Test for rotation invariant datasets
get_criterion Get Model Selection Criterion
imputed_traits Ancestral State Reconstruction
imputed_traits.PhyloEM Ancestral State Reconstruction
incidence.matrix Incidence matrix of a tree.
incidence.matrix.full Incidence matrix of a tree.
log_likelihood Log Likelihood of a fitted object
log_likelihood.params_process Log Likelihood of a fitted object
log_likelihood.PhyloEM Log Likelihood of a fitted object
merge_rotations Merge fits from independent runs of PhyloEM.
model_selection Model Selection of a fitted object
model_selection.PhyloEM Model Selection of a fitted object
monkeys New World Monkeys dataset
node_optimal_values Computation of the optimal values at nodes and tips.
params_BM Create an object 'params_process' for a BM
params_OU Create an object 'params_process' for an OU
params_process Create an object params_process
params_process.character Create an object 'params_process'
params_process.PhyloEM Parameter estimates
parsimonyCost Minimal number of shifts needed to get a clustering.
parsimonyNumber Number of equivalent parsimonious allocations.
partitionsNumber Number of different models
PhyloEM Model Estimation with Detection of Shifts
plot.enumerate_parsimony Plot all the equivalent solutions.
plot.equivalent_shifts Plot all the equivalent solutions.
plot.params_process Plot for class 'simul_process'
plot.PhyloEM Plot for class 'PhyloEM'
plot_criterion Plot Model Selection Criterion
residuals.PhyloEM Residuals of a fitted object
shifts.list_to_matrix Compute the matrix of shifts.
shifts.matrix_to_list Compute the list of shifts.
shifts_to_simmap Simmap format mapping from list of edges
simul_process Simulate a Stochastic Process on a tree
simul_process.params_process Simulate a Stochastic Process on a tree
simul_process.PhyloEM Simulate a Stochastic Process on a tree
transform_branch_length Transform branch length for a re-scaled BM