addNonNulls |
Add all non-NULL elements of list. |
commaList2vector |
Comma-separated string to numeric vector. |
correlatedBgEffects |
Simulate correlated background effects. |
expGen2probGen |
Rewrite expected genotypes into genotype probabilities. |
geneticBgEffects |
Simulate infinitesimal genetic effects (reflecting sample kinship). |
geneticFixedEffects |
Simulate genetic variant effects. |
getAlleleFrequencies |
Compute allele frequencies from genotype data. |
getCausalSNPs |
Draw random SNPs from genotypes. |
getKinship |
Get genetic kinship. |
noiseBgEffects |
Simulate observational noise effects. |
noiseFixedEffects |
Simulate noise fixed effects. |
probGen2expGen |
Compute expected genotypes from genotype probabilities. |
readStandardGenotypes |
Read genotypes from file. |
read_lines |
Scan file for specific line numbers |
rescaleVariance |
Scale phenotype component. |
runSimulation |
Run phenotype simulation. |
savePheno |
Save final phenotype and phenotype components. |
setModel |
Set simulation model. |
simulateDist |
Data simulation for different distributions. |
simulateGenotypes |
Simulate bi-allelic genotypes. |
simulatePhenotypes |
Command line execution for PhenotypeSimulator. |
standardiseGenotypes |
Standardise genotypes. |
testNumerics |
Test lists for different properties of numerics. |
transformNonlinear |
Phenotype transformation. |
vmessage |
Print userinfo. |
writeStandardOutput |
Write simulated data into formats used by standard GWAS software. |