Simulates SPSO and Efftox Phase 12 Trials with Correlated Outcomes

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Documentation for package ‘Phase12Compare’ version 1.5

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AssignEffTox Determines the optimal dose to assign the next patient cohort.
AssignEffToxUT Determines the optimal dose to assign the next patient cohort.
GETBIN Generate binary bivariate data.
GetDesire Returns the desireability value of a dose.
GetEfftoxContour Assigns next patient cohort based on the Efftox model with a Desirability based objective function.
GetEfftoxUt Assigns next patient cohort based on the Efftox model with a Utility based objective function.
GetPriorsSPSO Returns prior dose-specific means and prior ESS for the SPSO model.
GetSpsoContour Assigns next patient cohort based on the SPSOP model with a Utility based objective function.
GetSpsoUt Assigns next patient cohort based on the SPSOP model with a Utility based objective function.
ReturnOpt Obtains optimal dose level.
RunAdaptiveEffToxTrialCORR Simulates utility based Efftox trials
RunAdaptiveEffToxTrialCORRCONTOUR Simulates desirability based Efftox trials
SimEfftoxContour Simulates trial replications from the Efftox model with desirability optimality function.
SimEfftoxUt Simulates trial replications from the Efftox model with utility optimality function.
SimSpsoContour Simulates trial replications from the SPSO model with desirability optimality function.
SimSpsoUt Simulates trial replications from the SPSO model with desirability optimality function.
UTEFFTOX Samples from the posterior of the utility based phase12 model.