Person Fit

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Documentation for package ‘PerFit’ version 1.4.6

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PerFit-package Person Fit
A.KB Agreement, disagreement, and dependability statistics
C.Sato C.Sato, Cstar person-fit statistics
Cstar C.Sato, Cstar person-fit statistics
cutoff Compute a cutoff value given the scores of a person-fit statistic
D.KB Agreement, disagreement, and dependability statistics
E.KB Agreement, disagreement, and dependability statistics
flagged.resp Find (potentially) aberrant response patterns
G Number of Guttman errors
Gnormed Number of Guttman errors
Gnormed.poly Number of Guttman errors for polytomous items
Gpoly Number of Guttman errors for polytomous items
Ht Ht person-fit statistic
InadequacyData The NPV-J inadequacy scale data
IntelligenceData Intelligence data (number completion)
lz lz and lzstar person-fit statistics
lzpoly lzpoly person-fit statistic
lzstar lz and lzstar person-fit statistics
NCI NCI person-fit statistic
PerFit Person Fit
PerFit.PFS Compute several person-fit statistics
PerFit.SE Compute standard errors for person fit statistics
PhysFuncData The SF-36 physical functioning data
plot.PerFit Plot method for objects of class "PerFit"
PRFplot Person response function (PRF)
print.PerFit Print method for objects of class "PerFit"
r.pbis Personal biserial statistic
summary.PerFit Summary method for objects of class "PerFit"
U3 U3, ZU3 person-fit statistics
U3poly U3poly person-fit statistic
ZU3 U3, ZU3 person-fit statistics