op |
Optimization path.
iter |
(integer(1) )
Selected iteration of x to render plots for.
x.over.time |
(list | NULL)
List of vectors of x-variables, either specified via name or id.
If specified via names, also extra measurements from the opt.path can be
Maximum length for each vector is 5. For each list-element a line-plot iteration versus variable is generated.
If the vector has length > 2 only mean values per iteration are plotted as lines, if vector has length 1 every point is plotted.
Default is to plot all variables into as few plots as possible.
Note that discrete variables are converted to numeric, if specified in the same vector with numerics.
Moreover, if more than 1 point per iteration exists, mean values are calculated.
This is also done for factor variables! We recommend you to specify this argument in a useful way.
y.over.time |
(list | NULL)
List of vectors of y-variables, either specified via name or id.
If specified via names, also extra measurements from the opt.path can be selected.
Maximum length for each vector is 5.
For each list-element a line-plot iteration versus variable is generated.
If the vector has length > 2 only mean values per iteration are plotted as lines, if vector has length 1 every point is plotted.
Default is to plot all variables into as few plots as possible.
Note that discrete variables are converted to numeric, if specified in the same vector with numerics.
Moreover, if more than 1 point per iteration exists, mean values are calculated.
This is also done for factor variables! We recommend you to specify this argument in a useful way.
contour.name |
(character(1) | NULL)
It is possible to overlay the XSpace plot with an contour plot. This is
only possible, if the XSpace has exact 2 numeric and 0 discrete variable.
Consider subsetting your variables to use this feature! contour.name is the
name of the target variable that will be used for the contour lines.
Default is to use the first target variable, if it is possible to add
contour lines.
xlim |
X axis limits for the plots. Must be a named list, so you can specify the
axis limits for every plot. Every element of the list must be a numeric
vector of length 2. Available names for elements are: XSpace - limits for
the X-Space plot YSpace - limits for the Y-Space plot Default is an empty
list - in this case limits are automatically set. Note: For some plots it
is not meaningful to set limits, in this case the set limits are ignored.
Note: We do not support setting lims for the over.time.plots. We think, in
nearly every case the ggplot defaults are fine, and the very rare case you
have to set them, you can you can extract the plots and add your own
ylim |
Y axis limits for the plots. Must be a named list, so you can specify the
axis limits for every plot. Every element of the list must be a numeric
vector of length 2. Available names for elements are: XSpace - limits for
the X-Space plot YSpace - limits for the Y-Space plot Default is an empty
list - in this case limits are automatically set. Note: For some plots it
is not meaningful to set limits, in this case the set limits are ignored.
Note: We do not support setting lims for the over.time.plots. We think, in
nearly every case the ggplot defaults are fine, and the very rare case you
have to set them, you can you can extract the plots and add your own
alpha |
(logical(1) )
Activates or deactivates the alpha fading for the plots. Default is TRUE .
log |
Vector of variable names. All of this variable logarithmized in every plot.
Default is NULL - no logarithm is applied. Note that, if an variable has
only negative value, it is multiplied with -1. For variables with both
positive and negative values you have to do your own data preprocessing.
colours |
(character(4) )
Colours of the points/lines for the four point types init, seq, prob and
marked. Default is red for init, blue for seq, green for prob and orange
for marked.
size.points |
(numeric(4) | NULL)
Size of points in the plot, default is 3.
size.lines |
(numeric(4) | NULL)
Size of lines in the plots, default is 1.5.
impute.scale |
(numeric(1) )
Numeric missing values will be replaced by max + impute.scale * (max - min) .
Default is 1 .
impute.value |
(character(1) )
Factor missing values will be replaced by impute.value . Default is missing .
scale |
(character(1) )
Parameter scale from the function GGally::ggparcoord() which is used for
the multiD-case. Default is std .
ggplot.theme |
Theme for the ggplots. Can be generated by ggplot2::theme() . Default is
ggplot2::theme(legend.position = "top") .
marked |
(integer | character(1) | NULL)
“best” or indices of points that should be marked in the plots.
If marked = "best" the best point for single crit optimization
respectively the pareto front for multi crit optimization is marked.
Default is NULL (no points are marked).
subset.obs |
Vector of indices to subset of observations to be plotted, default is all
observations. All indices must be available in the opt.path. But, to enable
subsetting over multiple iterations, not all indices must be available in
the current iteration. Indices not available in the current iteration will
be ignored. Default is all observations.
subset.vars |
(integer | character )
Subset of variables (x-variables) to be plotted. Either vector of indices
or names. Default is all variables.
subset.targets |
(integer | character )
Subset of target variables (y-variables) to be plotted. Either vector of
indices or names. Default is all variables
short.x.names |
Short names for x variables that are used as axis labels. Note you can
only give shortnames for variables you are using in subset.vars
short.y.names |
Short names for y variables that are used as axis labels. Note you can
only give shortnames for variables you are using in subset.targets
short.rest.names |
Short names for rest variables that are used as axis labels. Note you can
only give shortnames for variables you are used in x.over.time
or y.over.time .