Helpers for Parameters in Black-Box Optimization, Tuning and Machine Learning

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Documentation for package ‘ParamHelpers’ version 1.14.1

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-- A --

addOptPathEl Add a new element to an optimization path. Convert optimization path to data.frame.

-- C --

checkParamSet Sanity check expressions of a parameter set.
convertParamSetToIrace Converts a ParamSet object to a parameter object of the irace package.

-- D --

dfRowsToList Convert a data.frame row to list of parameter-value-lists.
dfRowToList Convert a data.frame row to list of parameter-value-lists.
discreteNameToValue Convert encoding name(s) to discrete value(s).
discreteValueToName Convert discrete value(s) to encoding name(s).
dropParams Drop Params from ParamSet by ids.

-- E --

evaluateParamExpressions Evaluates all expressions within a parameter.

-- F --

filterParams Get parameter subset of only certain parameters.
filterParamsDiscrete Get parameter subset of only certain parameters.
filterParamsNumeric Get parameter subset of only certain parameters.

-- G --

generateDesign Generates a statistical design for a parameter set.
generateDesignOfDefaults Generates a design with the defaults of a parameter set.
generateGridDesign Generates a grid design for a parameter set.
generateRandomDesign Generates a random design for a parameter set.
getDefaults Return defaults of parameters in parameter set.
getLower Get lower / upper bounds and allowed discrete values for parameters.
getOptPathBestIndex Get index of the best element from optimization path.
getOptPathCol Get column from the optimization path.
getOptPathCols Get columns from the optimization path.
getOptPathDOB Get date-of-birth vector from the optimization path.
getOptPathEl Get an element from the optimization path.
getOptPathEOL Get end-of-life vector from the optimization path.
getOptPathErrorMessages Get error-message vector from the optimization path.
getOptPathExecTimes Get exec-time vector from the optimization path.
getOptPathLength Get the length of the optimization path.
getOptPathParetoFront Get indices of pareto front of optimization path.
getOptPathX Get data.frame of input points (X-space) referring to the param set from the optimization path.
getOptPathY Get y-vector or y-matrix from the optimization path.
getParamIds Return ids of parameters in parameter set.
getParamLengths Return lengths of single parameters or parameters in parameter set.
getParamNr Return number of parameters in set.
getParamSet Get parameter set.
getParamTypeCounts Returns information on the number of parameters of a each type.
getParamTypes Returns type information for a parameter set.
getRequirements Return all require-expressions of a param set.
getTypeStrings Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsAll Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsCharacter Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsDiscrete Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsInteger Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsLogical Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsNumeric Get parameter type-strings.
getTypeStringsNumericStrict Get parameter type-strings.
getUpper Get lower / upper bounds and allowed discrete values for parameters.
getValues Get lower / upper bounds and allowed discrete values for parameters.

-- H --

hasCharacter Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.
hasDiscrete Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.
hasExpression Check if parameter values contain expressions.
hasFiniteBoxConstraints Checks if a parameter or each parameter of a parameter set has ONLY finite lower and upper bounds.
hasForbidden Check parameter set for forbidden region.
hasInteger Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.
hasLogical Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.
hasNumeric Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.
hasRequires Check parameter / parameter set for requirements / dependencies.
hasTrafo Check parameter / parameter set for trafos.
hasType Check whether parameter set contains a certain type.

-- I --

isCharacter Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isCharacterTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isDiscrete Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isDiscreteTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isEmpty Check whether parameter set is empty.
isFeasible Check if parameter value is valid.
isForbidden Check whether parameter setting lies in forbidden region of parameter set.
isInteger Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isIntegerTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isLogical Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isLogicalTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isNumeric Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isNumericTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isRequiresOk Check if parameter requirements are met.
isSpecialValue Is a given value in the list of special values for a param?
isType Check parameter / parameter set contain ONLY a certain type.
isTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.
isVector Check parameter / parameter set for vector params.
isVectorTypeString Check if type string is of certain type.

-- L --

LearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
listToDfOneRow Convert a list to a data.frame with one row

-- M --

makeCharacterParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeCharacterVectorParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeDiscreteLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeDiscreteParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeDiscreteVectorLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeDiscreteVectorParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeFunctionLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeFunctionParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeIntegerLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeIntegerParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeIntegerVectorLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeIntegerVectorParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeLogicalLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeLogicalParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeLogicalVectorLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeLogicalVectorParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeNumericLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeNumericParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeNumericParamSet Construct a parameter set.
makeNumericVectorLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeNumericVectorParam Create a description object for a parameter.
makeOptPathDF Create optimization path.
makeParamSet Construct a parameter set.
makeUntypedLearnerParam Create a description object for a parameter of a machine learning algorithm.
makeUntypedParam Create a description object for a parameter.

-- O --

OptPath Create optimization path.
OptPathDF Create optimization path.

-- P --

Param Create a description object for a parameter.
ParamSet Construct a parameter set.
paramValueToString Convert a value to a string.
plotEAF Plots attainment functions for data stored in multiple OptPaths.
plotOptPath Plot method for optimization paths.
plotYTraces Plots Y traces of multiple optimization paths

-- R --

removeMissingValues Removes all scalar NAs from a parameter setting list.
renderOptPathPlot Function for plotting optimization paths.
renderYTraces Plots Y traces of multiple optimization paths
repairPoint Repairs values of numeric and integer parameters out side of constraints.

-- S --

sampleValue Sample a random value from a parameter or a parameter set uniformly.
sampleValues Sample n random values from a parameter or a parameter set uniformly.
setOptPathElDOB Set the dates of birth of parameter values, in-place.
setOptPathElEOL Set the end of life dates of parameter values, in-place.
setValueCNames Set components names for vector names

-- T --

trafoOptPath Transform optimization path.
trafoValue Transform a value.

-- U --

updateParVals Insert par.vals to old ones with meeting requirements