pump_power_grid {PUMP} | R Documentation |
Run pump_power on varying values of parameters (grid function)
This extension of 'pump_power()' will take lists of parameter values and run 'pump_power()' on all combinations of these values.
It can only assume the same MDES value for all outcomes due to this. (I.e., a vector of MDES values will be interpreted as a sequence of calls to pump_power, one for each MDES value given).
Each parameter in the parameter list can be a list, not scalar. It will cross all combinations of the list.
M = 1,
J = 1,
K = 1,
propZero = NULL,
numZero = NULL,
alpha = 0.05,
numCovar.1 = NULL,
numCovar.2 = NULL,
numCovar.3 = NULL,
R2.1 = NULL,
R2.2 = NULL,
R2.3 = NULL,
omega.2 = NULL,
omega.3 = NULL,
rho = NULL,
long.table = FALSE,
verbose = FALSE,
drop.unique.columns = TRUE,
d_m |
string; a single context, which is a design and model code. See pump_info() for list of choices. |
string, or vector of strings; multiple testing procedure(s). See pump_info() for list of choices. |
vector of numeric; This is *not* a list of MDES for each outcome, but rather a list of MDES to explore. Each value will be assumed held constant across all M outcomes. |
M |
scalar; the number of hypothesis tests (outcomes), including zero outcomes. |
nbar |
scalar; the harmonic mean of the number of level 1 units per level 2 unit (students per school). Note that this is not the total number of level 1 units, but instead the number of level 1 units nested within each level 2 unit, so the total number of level 1 units is nbar x J x K. |
J |
scalar; the harmonic mean of number of level 2 units per level 3 unit (schools per district). Note that this is not the total number of level 2 units, but instead the number of level 2 units nested within each level 3 unit, so the total number of level 2 units is J x K. |
K |
scalar; the number of level 3 units (districts). |
propZero |
Proportion of outcomes that have 0 impact (this will be used to override numZero, only one can be defined) |
numZero |
scalar; additional number of outcomes assumed to be zero. Please provide NumZero + length(MDES) = M, if length(MDES) is not 1. |
Tbar |
scalar; the proportion of samples that are assigned to the treatment. |
alpha |
scalar; the family wise error rate (FWER). |
numCovar.1 |
scalar; number of level 1 (individual) covariates. |
numCovar.2 |
scalar; number of level 2 (school) covariates. |
numCovar.3 |
scalar; number of level 3 (district) covariates. |
R2.1 |
scalar, or vector of length M; percent of variation explained by level 1 covariates for each outcome. |
R2.2 |
scalar, or vector of length M; percent of variation explained by level 2 covariates for each outcome. |
R2.3 |
scalar, or vector of length M; percent of variation explained by level 3 covariates for each outcome. |
ICC.2 |
scalar, or vector of length M; level 2 (school) intraclass correlation. |
ICC.3 |
scalar, or vector length M; level 3 (district) intraclass correlation. |
omega.2 |
scalar, or vector of length M; ratio of variance of level 2 average impacts to variance of level 2 random intercepts. |
omega.3 |
scalar, or vector of length M; ratio of variance of level 3 average impacts to variance of level 3 random intercepts. |
rho |
scalar; assumed correlation between all pairs of test statistics. |
long.table |
TRUE for table with power as rows, correction as columns, and with more verbose names. See 'transpose_power_table'. |
verbose |
logical; TRUE means print out some text as calls processed. FALSE do not. |
drop.unique.columns |
logical; drop all parameter columns that did not vary across the grid. |
... |
extra arguments passed to the underlying pump_power, pump_sample, or pump_mdes functions. |
a pumpgridresult object containing power results.
See Also
Other grid functions:
g <- pump_power_grid( d_m = "d3.2_m3ff2rc", MTP = c( "HO", "BF" ),
MDES = 0.10, J = seq(5, 10, 1), M = 5, K = 7, nbar = 58,
Tbar = 0.50, alpha = 0.15, numCovar.1 = 1,
numCovar.2 = 1, R2.1 = 0.1, R2.2 = 0.7,
ICC.2 = 0.25, ICC.3 = 0.25, rho = 0.4, tnum = 1000)