Power Under Multiplicity Project

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Documentation for package ‘PUMP’ version 1.0.3

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as.data.frame.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
calc_df Calculate degrees of freedom (support function)
check_cor Check correlation of test statistics (simulation function)
convert_params Converts model params into DGP params (simulation function)
design pumpresult object for results of power calculations
dim.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
d_m pumpresult object for results of power calculations
gen_base_sim_data Generate base simulated multi-level data (simulation function)
gen_cluster_ids Generates school and district assignments (simulation function)
gen_corr_matrix Generate correlation matrix (simulation function)
gen_sim_data Generate simulated multi-level data (simulation function)
gen_T.x Generate treatment assignment vector (simulation function)
gen_Yobs Generate observed outcomes (simulation function)
get_power_results Calculates different definitions of power (support function)
is.pumpgridresult Result object for results of grid power calculations
is.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
params pumpresult object for results of power calculations
parse_d_m Return characteristics of a given context/d_m code (support function)
plot.pumpgridresult Plot a pumpgridresult object (result function)
plot.pumpresult Plot a pumpresult object (result function)
power_curve Obtain a power curve for a range of sample size or MDES values
print.pumpgridresult Result object for results of grid power calculations
print.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
print_context Print context (design, model, parameter values) of pumpresult or pumpgridresult (result function)
pumpgridresult Result object for results of grid power calculations
pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
pump_info Provides details about supported package features (core function)
pump_mdes Estimate the minimum detectable effect size (MDES) (core function)
pump_mdes_grid Run pump_mdes on varying values of parameters (grid function)
pump_power Estimate power across definitions (core function)
pump_power_grid Run pump_power on varying values of parameters (grid function)
pump_sample Estimate the required sample size (core function)
pump_sample_grid Run pump_sample on varying values of parameters (grid function)
pump_type pumpresult object for results of power calculations
search_path pumpresult object for results of power calculations
summary.pumpgridresult Result object for results of grid power calculations
summary.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
transpose_power_table Convert power table from wide to long (result function)
update.pumpgridresult Update a pump grid call, tweaking some parameters (core function)
update.pumpresult Update a pump call, tweaking some parameters (core function)
update_grid Update a single pump call to a grid call (grid function)
[.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations
[[.pumpresult pumpresult object for results of power calculations