Projection Pursuit Regression Tree Visualization

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Documentation for package ‘PPtreeregViz’ version 2.0.5

Help Pages

dataXY Simulated data
decisionplot Decision plot
explain_PP Make explain of 'PPTreeregObj' for 'DALEX' package
feature_exact feature_exact
insurance Insurance Data
plot PPTreereg plot
plot.PPimportance Variable importance plot of 'PPTreereg'
plot.PPTreereg PPTreereg plot
PPimportance Calculate variable importance
PPregNodeViz Node visualization
PPregVarViz Visualize independent variable action in projection pursuit regression tree.
PPshapdependence Dependency plot
ppshapr.empirical Calculate 'PPKernelSHAP' values with empirical methods
ppshapr.simple Calculate 'PPKernelSHAP' values with simple methods
ppshapr_prep Calculate 'PPKernelSHAP' for all train data set
PPshapsummary Summary plot
PPTreereg Construct the projection pursuit regression tree
pp_ggparty PPTreereg plot with independent variable
predict predict 'PPTreereg'
predict.PPTreereg predict 'PPTreereg'
print.PPTreereg Print PPTreereg result
shapley_weights shapley_weights
subpick projection pursuit 'submodular' pick algorithm 'PP SP-LIME'
summary.PPTreereg Summary 'PPTreereg' result
waterfallplot Waterfall plot
weight_matrix weight_matrix